Matrix Message 361
"Canterbury Cathedral" ..
Michael Lawrence Morton "Canterbury Cathedral" .. Sat Dec 14 22:41:31 2002 Subj:Canterbury Cathedral coords, maybe Date:12/13/2002 5:22:16 PM Pacific Standard Time Sent from the Internet Hi Michael, Not 100% sure of the accuracy here, but I have Canterbury Cathedral, using the tower as center point, at somewhere about TR 15093 57920, or 01* 04' 58.0" East Greenwich, 51* 16' 47.2" N... You could see if those seem to give you anything sensible and if not I can check some more. No data on the measures again... there may be, searches on Google for these things get lots of hits sometimes, but it's more a process of wading through each of them looking. If I don't find something in the first 30-50 pages, I end up having to pack it in for the meantime... One quoted figure for the tower's height is 235 feet, and the length 540 feet, no idea what's exact, really... Maybe something self explanatory will pop out of that, maybe not? Cheers, Robert Robert . . Much thanks !! So .. here we go .. 30(deg) * 03(min) * 2.801126999(sec) W.Giza .. = 252.1014299 W.Giza. 51(deg) * 16(min) * 47.23789282(sec) North .. = 38546.12054 North. Grid Point Value .. (center; Tower) .. (38546.12054 / 252.1014299) = 152.8992539 A major figure !! It's the ratio of Pi and 480.3471728 .. and also .. the multiplied-product of Pi and 48.66934411 .. a big hit. And I've found a lot more to this, too. The "792" decimal-harmonic is big, here. (38546.12054 / 792) = 48.66934411 (792 / Pi) = 252.1014299 And there's a synchronistic situation, involved, here, with a very recent question raised by Randy Palmer .. concerning the number 44, as applies to the basic geometry of The Circle .. and/or to the metrology of The Circle. I happened to notice that .. (792 / 44) = 18. Then, I noticed that .. (44 / 33) = 1.333333333 .. repeating 3s. (4 / 3) = 1.333333333 .. the TANGENT of the base slope angle {Munck, 1993} of The Chephren Pyramid of Giza .. TAN 53.13010235 = (4 / 3). Munck's height for The Chephren Pyramid of Giza is .. (150 * Pi) = 471.238898 Regular Feet. So .. the perimeter of Chephren would then be .. 6 * (150*Pi) = 2827.433388 Regular Feet. Now .. I'm going to compare this perimeter-length .. with .. the 252.1014299 figure I have for the Grid LONG at the center (Tower) of Canterbury Cathedral. (2827.433388 / 252.1014299) = 11.21545954 I don't, at this moment, recognize that resulting figure. So; what do I do ? I'll use the "Pi probe". (11.21545954/ 3.141592654) = 3.56999165 .. and I still do not, at this moment, recognize this resulting figure. NOW what do I do ? Try the "Pi probe", again. This means you will have tried the "Pi-Squared" probe. (3.56999165 / 3.141592654) = 1.136363636 .. and do you see, in there .. a bunch of "repeating 36s" ? I call that "significant" .. or .. at least, "getting somewhere in my probing". At this stage .. I think I'll try the "Reciprocal probe". (1 / 1.136363636) = 0.88 A-haa !! The "gematria-like" double 8s .. or at least a decimal-harmonic of the double 8s. You can see that it's "gematria-like", by trying it with the renowned "3168" .. the classic gematrian "Lord Jesus Christ" number. (3168 / 0.88) = 3600 .. the ECLIPTIC Grid LAT of both Galactic Center and of Galactic Anti-Center .. {Morton} .. also .. the "ideal" orbit-period of Nibiru, in terms of Earth years .. {Z.Sitchin}. Just as "double 8s" is gematrian-significant in relation to the "Pyramid Matrix/ASM", the double-4s and double-3s .. 44 and 33 .. are gematrian-significant concerning the "Pyramid Matrix/ASM". And why not, then, the double-2s ? .. and so-on ? (792 / 2.2) = 360 .. the number of equal arc-segments in our conventional Circle's circumference. In-fact .. (792 * 4) = 3168. Now .. I'll test the Grid LAT I've found, here, for the center (Tower) of Canterbury Cathedral .. with .. 2.2 .. (38546.12054 / 2.2) = (3.141592654 * 5577.096019) .. and I get .. the multiplied-product of .. "Giza Grid Point" and the Pi constant. This is huge !!! AND .. if I just multiply that_result_by "another Pi" .. (3.141592654 * 5577.096019) * 3.141592654 = 55043.73141 .. I get the Grid LAT of .. "Monks Mound" at Cahokia, Illinois, USA .. = 38(deg) * 39(min) * 37.14151917(sec) North. {Munck, 1993}. Now .. notice, please .. (2.2 * 15) = 33. And what about, maybe, some resonance with the_church_at Rennes-le-Chateau ? (1.2*Pi) * 252.1014299 = 950.4 .. which_reminds_me of the "Mars Variance Grid LONG" (a new term, there, I guess) .. meaning the "Mars Prime Meridian Variance" Grid LONG .. which is .. 09(deg) * 32(min) * 0.8(sec) of longitude-arc, on Mars, between the_center_of The D&M Pyramid and the "NASA/Rand" prime meridian currently being used. [09(deg) * 32(min) * 0.8(sec)] = 230.4 So; suppose I now_compare_950.4 and 230.4 ? Why not ? (950.4 / 230.4) = (33 / 8) .. *exactly*. Now .. that's nice !!! The "ouroboros" 8 with the "almighty Masonic" 33. How might "Kingship" and/or the very ancient concepts of "Royalty" and "Wisdom/Enlightenment" figure-in, here .. pun intended ? From Laurence Gardner's work .. I recall that the "ouroboros" was associated in our_ancient_past .. with both "Kingship" and "Enlightenment". This, then, gets into the realm .. (heh-heh) .. of DNA/RNA .. via Buckminster Fuller's figure of .. 7.333333333 .. repeating 3s .. as an angle in *degrees*_in_the 360 system .. that is; the_geometric-structure_of the DNA/RNA "Un-zip angle" OF .. 7.333333333 .. repeating 3s .. *arc-degrees*, in the_360_system !!! The Earth, itself .. has a "mean" diameter of 7920 .. exactly (10 * 792) "mean" statute miles. AND .. if you use the "22" figure .. which is ALSO used as the "circumference" number in classic "Pi" calculations .. (7920 / 22) = 360 .. and there's the "360" convention for Circumference. 950.4 = (28.8 * 33) = (129.6 * 7.333333333) The "129.6" is a decimal-harmonic of the_Grid LAT_of BOTH "The Tholus" and of the "City Square Center" at Cydonia on Mars. {Morton}. 129600 is the Square of .. 360, itself. AND; 129600 is the_generic_Surface Area on a TORUS .. in terms of "Square Arc-degrees" .. using the_57.29577951_radius-length. The year 1188 A.D. was the time of "The Cutting of the Elm" .. as stated in the book, "Holy Blood, Holy Grail". This has geneaological significance, IMO .. which the authors of that book would agree with, no doubt. I think this has to do with the very ancient "dual-meaning" of "ouroboros", as discussed by Laurence Gardner .. both "KIngship" and "Enlightenment". Notice, please .. that .. (9504 / 1188) = 8. Recall, from just a bit earlier in this "article" .. (33 / 8) = (950.4 / 230.4) .. with a_direct_connection to the *prime meridian* arrangement on Mars !! And this equation .. (129.6 * 7.333333333) = (28.8 * 33) = 950.4 .. is not going to "go-away" quietly !!! Does this not at least suggest a common_DNA/RNA_knowledge involving both Earth and Mars, in terms of very ancient civilizations .. as well as a common_understanding_involving "prime meridian arrangements" on Mars ? Maybe it can be seen .. that "22" and "7" are not_merely_or "exclusively" Pi-approximation tools .. but are also_integral_in the "Pyramid Matrix/ASM", as important_"exacting"_figures .. (??) Another thought; and here, I'm inspired by Robert Carl .. who hinted to me of this. Maybe the Anunnaki have never_completely_left Earth. Maybe there have been, and maybe still are .. certain Anunnaki people who remained here; and who have taken care to "make sure" that many "modern constructions" have been_centered_at certain points in the "Pyramid Matrix/ASM" ? Obviously .. if this has been the case .. then these few Anunnaki have remained hidden behind the scenes .. and/or have been very "well-disguised". This seems, to me .. to be a more plausible situation than one in which "Masons" simply did all this incredibly-precise, and specific .. locating and cross-referencing of so many sites and constructions .. all the way up to the present day. It just seems to me, that the Masons would have had "exact instructions" given to them, by .. someone .. and I can't see these instructions as_merely_having come down in "writing" and/or in "code" .. although there obviously_is_an encoded matrix at the core of this entire "Pyramid Matrix/ASM". These are just my "current thoughts" on this particular aspect, that's all. -- Michael Lawrence Morton(c) 2002 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.