Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 368

Rectifying our Metrologies ..

Michael Lawrence Morton
Rectifying our Metrologies ..
Tue Jan 21 08:54:59 2003

I dedicate this posting to our ecliptic-longitudinal conjunction with ALTAIR.

Now that Robert Carl has noticed our encoded Polar Circumference
for EARTH of_24805.02134_Statute Miles .. we can begin a process of
rectification of our metrology.

This is courtesy of the ASM .. and of the Pyramid Matrix.

I've recently proposed the "true-and-intended" Meter, in Regular Feet ..
of .. 3.28280635 .. a decimal-harmonic of the_Squared_"Generic Radian";
(57.29577951)^2 .. in the_360_system .. 3282.80635

And I've proposed, several years ago .. the "true-and-intended" Royal Egyptian
Cubit of .. 1.718873386 Regular Feet.

Now we have the apparently "true-and-intended" figures .. in the ASM ..
for Polar Circumference of EARTH .. in both Nautical and Statute Miles.
(24805.02134 / 21600) = 1.148380618 = (1.2 * 3.141592654) / 3.28280635

Notice .. that_(1.2 * 3.141592654)_is the Grid Point Value found by R.Carl
for the centered_church_at Rennes-le-Chateau in the South of France.

We can now calculate the "true-and-intended" figure for the number of
Regular Feet in the Nautical Mile ..
(1.148380618 * 5280) = 6063.449663 = (31680 / 5.224748577) ..
where; 31680 is_10_times the "gematrian" number 3168 .. which, in-turn,
carries the classical 'translation' of .. "Lord Jesus Christ".

And .. where; 5.224748577 .. is a_precise_decimal-harmonic of ..
the "Regular NIBIRU Cross" .. {Morton} .. 52247.48577 ..
= (2.368705056 * 7.5 * 10.44949716 * 281.4477322) ..
please see my work on this.

And .. 31680 is also found at the spot of the "Tholus II" .. just south
of the runways of Stewart Airport/Air Base in New York State, USA.
This is one of the "Cydonian Analog" sites discovered by Dr. Bruce Cornet,
and for which I found the "ASM" figures, in 1998.
This is where .. (35200 / 31680) = 1.111111111

Here's an equation which can now express some of our rectified metrology ..

[(6063.449663 * 3.28280635) / 5280] = (1.2 * 3.141592654).

This is only a brief glimpse at many correlations which can now be
seen .. involving our correct metrologies .. as handed-down from deep antiquity.
The key, of course, is the_360_system .. the "mathematical/geometric-ideal"
of 360 equal "arc-segments" on a given Circumference. 

-- Michael Lawrence Morton 

[Editor's Note: Robert Carl's Earth Polar Circumference figure has been revised
to 24858.38042, or (248.0502134 * 10^2 * 1.00215114), mi.]

(c) 2002 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.
