Matrix Message 380
WHY The Great Sphinx of Giza is oriented to 30Pi azimuth ..
Michael Lawrence Morton WHY The Great Sphinx of Giza is oriented to 30Pi azimuth .. Wed Feb 26 08:48:05 2003 Yes .. I direct you to the title, above. The "conventional wisdom" is that The Great Sphinx of Giza is "looking" (oriented towards) "Due East", on the horizon. Munck's work (1993; self-published) has shown that this is *incorrect*. His work has shown that The Great Sphinx of Giza is "gazing" at an orientation (horizon) of .. *30Pi* (deg) azimuth (in the conventional 360 system) .. or .. 94.24777961(deg). I need some cooperation from any of you who are reading this. If you can .. I need you to check-out (on a computer software of your choice) .. the sky-location of REGULUS .. at March Equinox (Vernal Equinox in Northern Hemisphere on Earth) .. in 10,500 B.C. .. in the *pre-dawn* hours .. PRIOR to the actual 'moment' of sunrise .. as observed from Cairo, Egypt .. to see if REGULUS_*rises*_(then) at 30-Pi azimuth on the *horizon* .. around 94.247 degrees. Can you confirm this ? I don't mean "Leo" in general terms, here. I mean .. REGULUS, specifically. My Grid Point Value for_'Y2K'_REGULUS .. ("ASM") .. its sky-location .. is .. 19.7392088 .. which is .. (2Pi * Pi). Notice .. (30Pi / 19.7392088) = (15 / Pi) .. which is a_match_of my 'Y2K' Grid Point Value for GALACTIC ANTI-CENTER .. which is located about 5 degrees north of the_tip_of the up-raised sword/club of_Orion_as seen in the Earth-sky of 'Y2K'. Now .. I will take the_reciprocal_of (15 / Pi) .. which is .. (Pi / 15) .. and I will_multiply_that times the {Munck, 1993; 5400} Grid Point Value of .. The Great Sphinx of Giza .. (Pi / 15) * 5400 = 1130.973355 = (360Pi) .. which is the_exact_Ecliptic N.Grid LAT of .. REGULUS at 'Y2K' .. = 27(min) * 41.88790205(sec) N.of ecliptic. {Morton}. ----------------------------------------------- Please reference page 77, Fig.30, in the book, "The Message of the Sphinx" .. (its USA title) .. by R.Bauval and G.Hancock. There, you will see (illustrated) the_moment_of actual sunrise .. at March Equinox of 10,500 B.C., as seen from Cairo, Egypt. SOL is rising_due-East_at that moment, on the horizon. Notice .. 3 other celestial bodies .. very_close_to the Solar Ecliptic .. which "APPEAR" to be spaced_equidistant_apart from one-another at that moment .. JUPITER to the upper-right of SOL .. then .. REGULUS .. and then VENUS .. all equidistant-apart "along" the ecliptic. I'm now going to apply my 'Y2K' values (Grid Point Values) for those particular entities. (JUPITER * VENUS) / REGULUS .. = (4 * 246.74011) / 19.7392088 = 50. And 50 is the "Sumerian" number for "Kingship on EARTH". (648 * 50) = 32400 = (180)^2 .. which I can take as "symbolizing" this .. "a straight-line, SQUARED" .. which, in-turn, can mean .. "the Right-Angle". 648 is my 'Y2K' Grid Point Value for SOL !! 180 = (Pi Radians-of-arc) in terms of the_360_system .. because; (57.29577951 * 3.141592654) = 180 .. where; (360 / 2Pi) = 57.29577951 So there's referencing, here, of the_360_system, along with these other outstanding correlations. What if I now divide the_2Pi_Radians-of-arc .. which is the_number_of Radians-of-arc on_ANY_true Circumference .. into .. the "50" ? (50 / 2Pi) = 7.957747155 .. which is the_exact_"Orion Belt-stars Composite" .. {Morton} .. (ALNITAK * MINTAKA) / ALNILAM .. = (43.43323131 * 31.00627668) / 170.010936 = 7.957747951 Our "conventional" number for the "Right-Angle" is .. 90 .. degrees. This follows directly, of course, from our "standard" of using 360 equal "arc-segments" on a given Circumference. In terms of (Radians-of-arc) .. the Right-Angle is .. (Half-Pi) .. = (3.141592654 / 2) = 1.570796327 The_Ecliptic Grid LAT_of 'Y2K' ALNITAK is .. [1.570796327 * (10^4)] .. {Morton} .. = 25(deg) * 17(min) * 36.95991358(sec) S.of ecliptic. ALNITAK's Ecliptic Grid LONG is designated as "360" in the ASM .. as are any functional prime meridians or equators. So .. (15707.96327 / 360) = 43.63323131 ALNITAK is the celestial_prime-meridian_"marker" for the Solar-ecliptic .. in the "ASM". {Theory of Mary Anne Weaver .. proven by M.L.Morton}. Notice .. (648 * 43.63323131) / 90 = (50 * 2Pi). There are_12,500_years from 10,500 B.C. to .. 2000 A.D. or 'Y2K'. AND .. 12,500 "happens to be" a decimal-harmonic of the_'Y2K'_ratio of the sky-locations of GALACTIC CENTER and SOLAR APEX .. {Morton} .. (35.53057584 / 2.842446068) = 12.5 (12.5 / 1.570796327) = 7.957747155 .. again; the "Orion Belt-stars Composite". ------------------------------------------------------------------ I now re-direct your attention back to page 77, Fig.30, in the book, "The Message of the Sphinx" (USA title). If you_follow-the-horizon_from SOL .. at the moment when SOL is rising on March Equinox of 10,500 B.C. as observed from Cairo, Egypt .. and you go Southward, along the horizon, until you come to "Due South" at the intersection of the_Sky-Meridian_with the horizon .. and you then 'project' an imaginary line due-north *in the sky* from that intersection .. you will run-into .. ALNITAK, in Orion's belt !! Recall now, the figure_32400_which is the_SQUARE_of 180 .. yes ? (From earlier in this piece). If I now take my_predicted_'Y2K' Grid Point Value for the sky-location of "NIBIRU" .. {Morton, 2003; 27.41556778} .. (32400 / 27.41556778) = 1181.810286 .. a decimal-harmonic of my 'Y2K' Grid Point Value for ALPHA-DRACONIS .. {Morton, 1999; 1.181810286} .. and if I then take the_Square-Root_of that figure .. Sqrt 1181.810286 = 34.37746771 .. a decimal-harmonic of the Polar Radius of EARTH in Nautical miles. {3437.746771}. AND .. 34.37746771 is_also_my proposed "true-and-intended" Length for "The King's Chamber" inside The Great Pyramid of Giza .. which length I have also proposed as_precisely_20 Royal Cubits of 1.718873386 REG-U-LAR ("REG-U-LUS") Feet Per Royal Cubit. If I divide my NIBIRU 'Y2K' figure into the "180" .. (180 / 27.41556778) = 6.5656127 .. a decimal-harmonic of the {Munck, 1993} Grid Point Value for the "FACE ONE" at Cydonia on MARS. If I_SQUARE_the width of "The King's Chamber" in *regular inches* .. (206.2648063)^2 = 42545.17032 .. the_Grid LAT_of the *Bethlehem* site which I have written about on the Internet .. {Morton, 1998}. The_Grid LONG_of that particular Bethlehem site is .. 648 .. identical to my 'Y2K' Grid Point Value for SOL. (42545.17032 / 648) = 65.656127 .. (do you see the correlation) ?! If I now_multiply_the Length of "The King's Chamber" in Regular Feet .. times my_predicted_Grid Point Value for NIBIRU at 'Y2K' .. (34.37746771 * 27.41556778) = 942.4777961 = 300Pi .. precisely 10 times the_true_azimuth-of-orientation of The Great Sphinx of Giza. -- Michael Lawrence Morton(c) 2003 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.