Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 382

Sol, Luna, & the Alchemical Wedding at Y2K .. Part One ..

Michael Lawrence Morton
Sol, Luna, & the Alchemical Wedding at Y2K .. Part One ..
Sun Mar 2 19:40:32 2003

Sol, Luna, & the Alchemical Wedding at Y2K ..
what a grand time on EARTH.

Sky-locations @ Y2K ..
SOL .. (233280 / 360) = 648
LUNA .. (157079.6327 / 3445.141853) = 45.59453265

(648 / 45.59453265) = 1.44 * (Pi^2) ..
where 1.44 is the Y2K Grid Point Value for RIGEL
in Orion.

Using Bruce Cathie's numbers for "pure light-speed" ..
which is another way of describing the 'natural-pure'
frequency-wavelength of light "before" it gets slowed-
down or bent by gravity-wells, atmosphere, etc. as
associated with large celestial bodies ..

(162000 / 144000) = 1.125 .. which is a numerical way
of describing the "localized" (on EARTH) ratio of
B.Cathie, pertaining to our "electro-magnetic-grid"
which was apparently_intended-designed-created_here ..
by "some" awesome intelligence-technology.
And; essentially .. this is now simply self-evident.

So .. I can write this equation, then ..
(648 / 45.59453265) / 1.125 = 10 * 1.263309363 ..
where 1.263309363 is the Y2K sky-location Grid Point
Value of .. PLEIONE; the 'Mother-star' of The Pleiades.
Robert Carl (2002, Internet) found this figure for

Then; I noticed this ..
(648 / 45.59453265) * 1.125 = (16 / 1.000703048) ..
where; 1.000703048 is the "Queen Gremlin" .. {R.Carl ..
see his writings on the "Gremlins" on the "GridPoint" BBS.

And; 1.000703048 ..
= (15 / Y2K-SATURN) / [(16 / 1.000703048) / 12.63309363].

So; then .. 1.000703048 "cancels-out" .. and you get ..
[16 / (10 * PLEIONE)] = (15 / SATURN).
This is where; Y2K-SATURN Grid Point Value ..
= 11.84352528 = (5 * SIRIUS).

You've got some big players here. 

And I'm glad to see PLEIONE coming into her own, now.
We need a "grand" Mother now-a-days.
And She is magnificent .. PLEIONE .. the Mother in
The Pleiades. Mary Anne Weaver remarked to me, not too
long ago .. that The Pleiades is found referenced,
'embedded' .. "in all the cultures on EARTH".
Aside from all the "pop-culture" stuff regarding
"Pleiadians", such as the Billy Meier materials, etc. ..
The Pleiades is_very_prominent in the historical/cultural
records of practically all "peoples" of EARTH. 

Now .. regarding SATURN; there's something called
"the Square of SATURN" in the esoteric realm.
And I think the numerical association with it is 15.
(Correct me if I'm wrong, please).
If "15" is the number associated with "the Square of
SATURN" .. then; do we not have a reference, here ..
to the "Miami Square" ?

(15)^2 = 225 .. which is the_azimuth_in degrees ..
(in the_360_system) .. from "The Miami Circle" to ..
what I call, the "Well of OSIRIS" at the southwest
corner-point of_"Miami Square"_itself.
And my Grid Point Value for "The Miami Circle" ..
which_centers_itself at the 'northeast' corner-point
of "Miami Square" .. is .. the *Square-Root* of 15 ..
3.872983346 .. {Morton, 1999}.

Then; we get right-into Y2K-REGULUS and Y2K-Orion Belt ..
(15 / SATURN) = (25 / REGULUS) ..
= (ORION Belt * Pi) / REGULUS.

Here are the numbers for that ..
(15 / 11.84352528) = (25 / 19.7392088) ..
= (7.957747155 * 3.141592654) / 19.7392088

What about_multiplying_15 times SATURN ?
(15 * 11.84352528) = 177.6528792 .. 
precisely 1/10th of my "Americana" figure of 1776.528792

And then, this ..
177.6528792 = (180 / 1.013211836) ..
where; 1.013211836 is the_center_Grid Point at ..
"Miami Square" itself. And if you then multiply
1.013211836 times the (18Pi) Grid Point Value for
"Cydonia City Square Center" (MARS) .. you get ..
The Radian-arc value in the_360_system .. 
(1.013211836 * 56.54866776) = 57.29577951 ..
= [360 / (2 * 3.141592654)].
Not a bad collaboration for a couple of Squares
on 2 separate planets !!

180 .. aside from being a way to numerically describe a
"straight-line segment" in terms of the_360_system ..
which is (3.141592654 * 57.29577951) .. aside from
that, as I was saying .. 180 is the number of Days
(EARTH) from SIRIUS to New Year's Eve, ..
counterclockwise. That is; the "nowadays" (Circa 2000
A.D.) *ecliptic-longitudinal-conjunction* of SIRIUS
occurs on .. the 4th of July. Counting counterclockwise,
from 4th of July to New Year's Eve .. is 180 Days.

180 * (Pi^2) = 1776.528792 ..
where; 1776 is the year of "Declaration of Independence"
on 4th of July; 528 is a decimal-harmonic of the_number_of
"REG-U-LUS" (Reg-u-lar) Feet in a statute mile; and 792
is a decimal-harmonic of the_number_of statute miles
in the "mean" diameter of EARTH .. 7920.

I still am wondering if anyone at The U.S. Naval
Observatory is aware that it (the observatory, itself),
is_centered_at a Grid LONG (W.Giza) decimal-harmonic
match of the Y2K Grid Point Value of SIRIUS .. ??
2368.705056 W.Giza ..
= 108(deg) * 12(min) * 1.827704519(sec) W.Giza.
[ W.Greenwich .. 77 deg 04 min 1.0277 sec ].

And; it (the observatory, itself) is_also_centered
at a Grid LAT (North of equator) decimal-harmonic
match of the Y2K Grid Point Value of GALACTIC CENTER.
35530.57584 North ..
= 38(deg) * 55(min) * 17.00027552(sec) North.

What's the Grid Point Value, there, at the_center_of
The U.S. Naval Observatory ?
(35530.57584 / 2368.705056) = 15.
That's the 'esoteric' number of .. "OSIRIS Re-Membered".
{D.Wood; "Genisis"}.

As I've recently stated on the Internet .. I think
OSIRIS is actually identified properly with "NIBIRU".

So; in a sense .. The U.S. Naval Observatory has 
been sitting right on NIBIRU the whole time.

-- Michael Lawrence Morton 


Michael Lawrence Morton
Some more correlations ..
Sun Mar 2 22:05:33 2003

In follow-up to the immediately-preceding ..

(15 / 1.013211836) = 14.8044066 .. which
is what I've called, "Y2K" June Solstice ..
using the [540 * (Pi^2)] Ecliptic-Grid LONG
(E.ALNITAK) of South Galactic Node, and then
didviding that by the ecliptic (360) numerical

Then .. you notice that 14.8044066 is a decimal-harmonic
of my 'predicted' (Y2K) 14804.4066 S.of Ecliptic Grid LAT 
for NIBIRU .. 
38(deg) * 57(min) * 6.834906094(sec) S.of Ecliptic.

(27.41556778 / 15) = 1.827704519 .. the "arc-seconds-
tag" on the W.Giza longitude of (centered) The U.S.
Naval Observatory.

(15 * 1.622311471) = 24.33467205 ..
= (57.29577951 / 2.354491542) ..
= Stonehenge * The 2 Mounds on its Grounds ..
= (2.920160646 * 2.864788976 * 2.908882087)

And 1.622311471 is the Grid Point Value at the "Well
of OSIRIS" .. the southwestern corner-point of "Miami
Square". And_2.354491542_is my derived AU distance for
the orbital-location of the "former TIAMAT".

(27.41556778 * 15) = (FOMALHAUT * REGULUS) at Y2K.
By the way; 27.41556778 is my 'predicted' Grid Point
Value for Y2K-NIBIRU. 
(20.83333333 * 19.7392088) = (27.41556778 * 15).

(198.4401707 / 2.304) = (3.141592654 * 27.41556778).
This is where_230.4_is the "MARS prime meridian longitude
variance", as I've called it ..
09(deg) * 32(min) * 0.8(sec) = 230.4
Please look that up on the 'search-engine' on the
"GridPoint" BBS.
And; this is where_198.4401707_is the "EARTH prime meridian
longitude variance" ..
31(deg) * 08(min) * 0.800161979(sec) .. and it was Carl
Munck, Sr. (1993) who found the_individual_numbers for
that .. in terms of "0.8" seconds.

(1.013211836 * 27.41556778) = 10 * 2.777777777 ..
where_2.777777777_is the multiplied-product of the
"Quantum Electron * Quantum Proton" numbers of
Bert Schreiber .. {self-published; "Quantum-Quanta
Theory"; 1998; 
Library of Congress Catalog # 98-90147}
This is where; (1.234567901 * 2.25) = 2.777777777 ..
where 1.234567901 is the quantum-electron decimal-
harmonic, and 2.25 is the quantum-proton decimal-harmonic.
{{ By the way .. to obtain a 'free' CD .. burned by Bert
Schreiber, himself .. email Bert at ..
The CD contains his latest (updated) complete works.
The cost of producing the 'book' has become prohibitive }}.

Well .. that's just some more correlations, following-up
on the immediately-preceding posting on "GridPoint" BBS.

-- Michael Lawrence Morton 

(c) 2003 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.
