Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 383

Sol, Luna, & the "Alchemical Wedding at Y2K".. Parts 2, 3 and 4 ..

Michael Lawrence Morton
Sol, Luna, & the "Alchemical Wedding at Y2K".. Part 2 ..
Tue Mar 4 05:45:31 2003

Carl Munck has self-published (early 1990s) his figure ..
his "Pyramid-Matrix" figure .. for the distance
of The Moon from Earth in statute miles.
(If I'm recalling correctly .. (??) .. this is
his "minimum" distance).. 221,466.669

He connects this_specifically_to his (Munck)
Megalithic Yard (in regular feet) .. 2.719715671

(221,466.669 / 2.719715671) / 3.141592654 = 25920.

I've been quite impressed with that.

And, now .. considering Robert Carl's findings concerning
the_Alternate e'_figure of 2.720174976 ..
I'm finding what I think is_another_encoded "Lunar-minimum-

And I think this_is_an apparently-deliberate encoding
to "go-along-with" this "Alternate e'" figure .. and
even more.

(2.720174976 * 3.141592654 * 25920) = 221504.0702 ..
= (238.3004375 * 929.5160031) ..
= [238.3004375 * 887.6223994 * (3.141592654 / 3)]

238.3004375 is my "Apex Grid Point" for The Great Pyramid
of Giza, and 887.6223994 is the 'Square-Root' of the Volume
of a Sphere, using the_57.29577951_radius-length to match
the Radian-arc's numerical-value in the_360_system.

Notice, also .. that (Pi / 3) is not only the Grid Point
Value of "Monks Mound" {Munck, 1993} at Cahokia, Illinois,
but is_also_the ratio of "Segmatics-Pi" (3) and Circular-
Pi. This distinction has now been explicated and detailed
in the work of Bert Schreiber .. {"Quantum-Quanta Theory",
1998, self-published; Library of Congress Catalog
Number 98-90147}.

"Segmatics-Pi" .. 3 .. refers to the Circumscribed
Regular Hexagon .. where the_perimeter_of the hexagon
is in-ratio-with the diameter of the Circumscribing 
Circle .. producing a "HexaCircle" (attempt at a coined-
phrase) ratio of 3 .. (343.7746771 / 114.591559) = 3.

As B.Schreiber's work shows, this math-geometric dynamic
greatly-helps to define the_numbers_of Quantum Physics.

Now; recall the figure I've recently found for the 'Y2K'
("ASM") sky-location of The Moon .. 45.59453265

If you take the above figure for the "generic" (360-
based) *Square-Root* of the Volume of a Sphere .. 
(887.6223994 / 45.59453265) = 19.46773764

The_19.46773764_is an "ASM-Pyramid-Matrix" figure
for the famous (R.C.Hoagland) "19.5" degrees latitudes
on the surface of rotating celestial bodies.

Then, we can get right to the "Well-of-OSIRIS" at
the southwest-corner of "Miami Square" .. just
by using the number "12" ..
(19.46773764 / 12) = 1.622311471 .. "Alternate Phi",
as dubbed by Munck. And where did we get the "12" ?
From "Munck's" Megalithic Yard in regular feet ..
(25920 / 2.719715671) / 3.141592654 = 12.

So .. I think both 2.719715671 and 2.720174976 are
encoding 2 "Matrix-valid" Luna-to/from-Earth distances 
in terms of Statute Miles.

-- Michael Lawrence Morton 


Michael Lawrence Morton
Part 3 .. URANUS, Agent of Change ..
Tue Mar 4 09:14:20 2003

URANUS .. can be a catalyst for "Big Change",
they say. Eh ? Don't astrologers say this ?

As in a major paradigm-change ?

Well .. hopefully, then, I should be able to
find something significant involving URANUS
and its 'Y2K' sky-location, and/or in its
"ideal-ASM-related" AU distance .. related to
some "current" (relatively-speaking) aspect or
subject involving what's 'happening' at-or-near
the cutting-edge of "civilization" ?

Why am I thinking of "Cydonia" now. (-;
(And, yes .. this is looking like something straight 
out of an R.C.Hoagland narrative ..)

If you look back to an earlier posting of mine ..
where I show the "Astrolog 5.40" data for The Planets
at Y2K .. at the moment of the change-of-millennium
at midnight, GMT, Sidereal Zodiac, 1999-2000, and using
a 'neutral' latitude/longitude location on Earth .. 
you'll see that I fine-tuned the URANUS data to ..
129(deg) * 54(min) * 2.999047673(sec) W.ALNITAK ..
= 20891.36609 W.ALNITAK.
And I'm using an ALNITAK Sidereal Ecliptic-longitude
of .. 29TAU 56'50" .. and so I'm 'counting' from that
spot .. along the Ecliptic .. and using_exactly_30
degrees of ecliptic-longitude_per_zodiac sign.
That's_how_I find 129 deg 54 min 03 sec .. West of
ALNITAK, from the_given_data in "Astrolog 5.40".
I encourage you to use that 'free' software program ..
and duplicate the given data.

In terms of Ecliptic-latitude .. Astrolog 5.40 will
show .. (should show) .. -00:39'30" .. the minus sign
meaning South of Ecliptic.
I fine-tuned that to .. 39(min) * 29.972028(sec) S. ..
= 1168.909092 S.of Ecliptic.

Wouldn't an open "disclosure" of what's really at Cydonia
on Mars .. function as a catalyst for "Big Change" ?
Of course it would. Many of us realize that.
Such an open disclosure would undoubtedly involve the
"FACE ONE" and "The D&M Pyramid" and the "Cydonia City
Square", to name a few prominent sites/structures.

20891.36609 = 27.58106915 * 7.776 * (3.141592654)^4

Well; there's the Grid Point Value {Munck, 1993} of
"The D&M Pyramid" multiplied by a certain "tetrahedral/
hyperdimensional" number .. multiplied by_exactly_Pi to 
the 4th power.
7.776 = (25920 / 3333.333333) .. or; EARTH's
Precessional Cycle (in Years) divided-by a decimal-harmonic
of the_Sine_of the exact "pure-geometrical" version
of "19.5" .. SIN 19.47122061 = 0.333333333 or 1/3rd. 

Now; here's the URANUS_Y2K_Grid Point Value ..
(20891.36609 / 1168.909092) = 17.8725328

(656.56127 * 27.58106915) / [1.013211837 * (10^3)] ..
= 17.8725328

656.56127 is the {Munck, 1993} Grid Point Value of ..
"FACE ONE" at Cydonia, Mars.
And 1.013211837 is the {Morton, 1999} Grid Point Value
at the_center_of .. "Miami Square", on Earth.

The Cydonia connection is paramount, here.
And this also connects_directly_to "Miami Square".

Indeed .. URANUS, through its actual_sky-location_at
the very_moment_of Y2K .. the change-of-millennium
according to our current 'consensus' calendar .. is 
helping to *verify* the_reality_of the *artificiality*
of certain major structures at Cydonia on Mars.
And we sure-as-hell need a truly new paradigm
in our planet-Earth civilization.
So; thank URANUS.

1.013211837 = (VEGA / 3.141592654).
And .. 1.013211837 = 10 / (3.141592654^2)

AND .. 1.013211837 = (57.29577951 / 56.54866776) ..
where; 57.29577951 = 360 / (2 * 3.141592654). 
The_numerical-value_of the Radian-of-arc constant
is_57.29577951(deg)_in the_360_system.
AND .. 56.54866776 is equal to exactly .. 
(18 * 3.141592654) .. and is_also_the Grid Point Value
that I have calculated for "Cydonia City Square Center"
at Cydonia, Mars. 

This allows for the following equation ..

(656.56127 * 27.58106915) / [(57.29577951 / 56.54866776)
* (10^3)] = URANUS @ Y2K = 17.8725328

How can this revelation be denied ?
I dare anyone .. anyone .. to challenge this. 
-- MLM
P.S. .. We are not Alone .. and we_never_were alone.

-- Michael Lawrence Morton 


Michael Lawrence Morton
Part 4 .. JUPITER, SATURN, Chartres Cathedral, etc., ...
Fri Mar 7 00:52:03 2003

The Y2K Alchemical 'Wedding-party Parade' continues ..

Here comes Jupiter .. with its number "4" as its Y2K

(URANUS / JUPITER) = (17.8725328 / 4) ..
= 44681.332 / (10^4) ..
where 44681.332 is my_'predicted'_Grid LONG for
Chartres Cathedral, France. See my archives on that.

(44681 / 17.8725328) = 2500
Then; if you simply apply the Pi constant 'like-so' ..
(2500 / 3.141592654) = 795.7747155 .. a decimal-harmonic
of the_7.957747155_Orion Belt-stars Composite .. yes ..
see my archives. That figure is all over "ASMdom".
AND .. you can then notice (please do) .. that
795.7747155 is the Y2K Ecliptic-Grid LAT_for_JUPITER !!

{{ By the way .. regarding Laurence Gardner's new book ..
"Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark" .. he ends the book with
a certain location .. Chartres Cathedral, France }}.

(JUPITER / Chartres Cathedral's_'predicted'_(my prediction)
location) = (4 / 1.273239545) = 3.141592654 ..
precisely Pi.

(URANUS * JUPITER) / 72 = (17.8725328 * 4) / 72 ..
= 9929.184894 / (10^4) .. where; 9929.184894 is the
exact Grid LAT of "The D&M Pyramid" at Cydonia, MARS.

72 = my Grid POINT Value for the centerline-amidships
location in the remains of "The Ark of ZI.U.SUD.RA." ..
the "pre-Sumerian" king. I've written about this a LOT.
Not only a Grid Point of 72 .. but a Grid LONG (E.Giza)
of_360_on-the-nose .. and a Grid LAT of_25920_on-the-
nose. And these writings I've done .. in *considerable*
detail .. (on the Internet) .. have been (apparently)
almost completely ignored .. even by people who are
supposedly interested in my work. 

Recall, if you will .. that the_Ecliptic Grid Point_of
URANUS at Y2K (the defining "ASM" moment) ..
is_very_correlative with the_multiplied-product_of
"FACE ONE" and "D&M Pyramid" at Cydonia on MARS,
via the_center_Grid Point of "Miami Square" ..
(656.56127 * 27.58106915) / [1.013211837 * (10^3)] ..
= 17.8725328

And; furthermore .. please_recall_that .. 
1.013211837 = [57.29577951 / (18 * 3.141592654)] ..
where (18 * 3.141592654) = Grid Point Value of ..
"Cydonia City Square Center" on MARS !!

{{ 57.29577951 = 360 / (2 * 3.141592654) }}. 

Now .. using the Ecliptic Y2K sky-location of SOL ..
which I quite-recently found to be 648 ..
(233280 / 360) = 648.

We are talking about "Y2K" .. as_the_defining moment
in the "ASM" encoding. This is "2000 A.D." of course ..
on our current 'consensus calendar'.

(648 * 2000) = 1296000 = (360 * 3600).

Then; if you recall that my 'predicted' Y2K sky-location
for NIBIRU is .. 27.41556778 .. or; 
(14804.4066 / 540) = 27.41556778 ..

(1296000 * 27.41556778) = 35.53057584 * (10^6).
And_35.53057584_is the Y2K sky-location for ..

Or; using the Surface-Area on a TORUS .. assuming
a radius of 57.29577951 .. matching the_numerical value_of
the_360_system's Radian-arc constant ..
(129600 * 27.41556778) = 35.53057584 * (10^5).

JUPITER .. I say its AU "Ideal" value .. in-keeping
with the "ASM" .. is .. 5.22474858 .. because I think
Robert Carl's MARS "Ideal" AU value is 1.523087099 ..
which is a decimal-harmonic_reciprocal_of ..
the Grid Point Value of "FACE ONE" {Munck, 1993} at
Cydonia .. {656.56127}.

Why am I saying I like_this_"pair" of "Ideal" AU values
(for MARS and JUPITER) ? Because .. I think they are
*intentionally* encoding a multiplied-product of ..
(5.22474858 * 1.523087099) = 7.957747155 .. a precise
match of the 7.957747155 "Orion Belt-stars Composite" ..
**AND** .. a_decimal-harmonic_match of .. JUPITER's Y2K
Ecliptic Grid LAT .. 795.7747155 S.of ecliptic.

ADDITIONALLY .. 5.22474858 is a_decimal-harmonic_of ..
my "Regular NIBIRU Cross" of 52247.4858 .. please see
my write-ups on this. Furthermore .. 5.22474858 is exactly
HALF of 10.44949716 .. which, in-turn, is the "NIBIRU
Perihelion-Point" in our Earth-sky .. at the intersection
of the Ecliptic longitude of VEGA and the Ecliptic
latitude of ALTAIR .. {D.Elkins, Morton; 2001,2002}. 

Notice .. JUPITER's Ecliptic Y2K Grid LONG ..
3183.098862 W.ALNITAK.
VEGA's Y2K Grid Point Value is .. 3.183098862 ..
or; (10 / 3.141592654).
And notice how the Y2K VEGA Ecliptic Grid Point Value
relates to the_center-point_of "Miami Square" ..
(3.183098862 / 1.013211837) = 3.141592653

My "Ideal" AU for URANUS is .. 19.2 .. and now look how 
it relates in-ratio with our conventional "360" value
for a Circumference ..
(360 / 19.2) = 18.75 .. my RADIUS in Regular Feet,
for "The Miami Circle", itself. And "The Miami Circle"
is also the_northeast_*corner* of .. "Miami Square". 

Speaking again of Laurence Gardner's newest book ..
he does discuss the "Dome of the Rock" in Jerusalem.
Robert Carl and I have collaborated to come-up with
a Grid Point Value for the_center_of the "Dome of the
Rock" of .. 779.2727281

(779.2727281 * 5.22474858) / 4 = 1017.87602 ..
which is the apparent AREA in Square Statute Miles, of the
"Marked Celestial Sphere" (imaginary Circle on the ground)
at Cydonia, MARS .. and which is centered_at_"Cydonia
City Square Center", itself .. {D.Elkins, Morton; 2001,

If, instead of dividing by 4 ("JUPITER Y2K") in the
immediately-above .. if you divide by "SATURN Y2K" ..
(779.2727281 * 5.22474858) / 11.84352528 ..
= 343.7746771 .. which is the "Circumscribed Hexagon
Perimeter" in the case where_360_is the Circumference
of the Circumscribing Circle. But, notice that you still
have retained the_JUPITER_component of its "Ideal" AU
value of 5.22474858 .. and; notice that 343.7746771
is a decimal-harmonic of EARTH's Polar Radius of ..
3437.746771 Nautical Miles. 

Now here comes VENUS ..

= (246.74011 * 4) / 11.84352528 ..
= 83.33333333 ..
= (CYDONIA Face One / The White House in D.C.) ..
= (656.56127 / 7.87873524) ..
= (50 / 0.6) ..
= ('Predicted' NIBIRU * 3.141592654) / The Old Man of the
Mountain) ..
= (27.41556778 * 3.141592654) / 1.033542556 ..
= 20.83333333 * 4

And DON'T FORGET to look-up the_Daniel Perez_display
of .. "Washington, District of Cydonia" .. on
his website at "Geocities". Use the 'google-search'.
Once you get to his website .. scroll-down until you
get to his_*graphic-overlay*_of Cydonia (MARS) and
the Washington, D.C.-Arlington, VA area !!
You will see an_*irrefutable*_one-to-one correlation
(scaled; but consistent and precise) .. of ..
"FACE ONE" to WHITE HOUSE .. and .. "D&M PYRAMID" to
THE PENTAGON. This is very serious, and very self-evident.

-- Michael Lawrence Morton 

(c) 2003 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.
