Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 392

1.216322746 at Stonehenge? ..

>> Chronos wrote:One of the noticeable wrinkles in a developing model which is not Munck's 
per se, based on a Meg Yard of 2.72017496, is when we make the same comparisons between 
Sarcen Circle figures and generic circle figures:

Area Any Circle 10313.24031 sq * / Proposed Outer Sarcen Area: 8479.032677 sqr. ft. = 

By rights, this should be 1.216733603, the Egyptian Remen in feet, Cydonian (e' / sqrt 5),
and precisely 1 / 2 of the 2.433467205 Munck Grid Point for Stonehenge... in a model of 
Stonehenge based on 2.719715671, it would be... this is a perimeter of 120 Meg Yards for the
Outer Sarcen Circle... given that, ((120 x 2.719714571) / 2 Pi)^2 x Pi = Area = 8476.169551,
and 10313.24031 / 8476.169551 = 1.216322746... and yet, the square root of the Generic 
Area / Actual Area is also called upon, and the square root of 1.216733603 is NOT in the 

Meanwhile, 8476.169551 answers a number of equations, but what is more, it answers the Cube
of 1.177245771, with this: 326.4209952 / (1.177245771^3) = 326.4209952...

But it carries a dimeter, radius and circumference, which are NOT in the Pyramid Matrix...<<


Michael Lawrence Morton
Using R.Carl's MARS Y2K Grid Point ..
Mon Mar 24 16:16:14 2003

If I use Robert Carl's_Y2K Grid Point_for MARS ..
of 210.6326984 .. and I take its ratio with the
figure 1.216322746 ..

(210.6326984 / 1.216322746) = 173.171717

Then I recognize that .. 
173.171717 = (13.15947253)^2 ..

Where 13.15947253 is one of the *Super-prominent*
figures in the "Pyramid-Matrix-ASM".

"Micro-Macro-Smacko-Cracko go de olde paradigm .. !!! (-;

I've also 'predicted' .. a few years ago on the Internet ..
that_13.15947253_degrees .. as in the_360_system .. !! ..
will be found (eventually; hopefully) ..
to be the azimuth-of-orientation from the "D&M Pyramid
APEX" to the "NOSE" on the "FACE ONE" at Cydonia.
We'll see .. (I hope).

So; "Chronos" .. your "weird" 1.216322746 doesn't seem
so weird now, to me !!
It's talking to MARS @ Y2K .. big-time !!

-- Michael Lawrence Morton 

(c) 2003 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.
