Matrix Message 395
Re: Tikal
Michael Lawrence Morton Excellent break-through .. Tue Apr 8 02:50:05 2003 An excellent break-through by Robert Carl .. re: the preceding posting. {On "GridPoint" BBS}. The Tangent of that precise angle he found .. being the Y2K ("ASM") Grid Point Value of VEGA in the EARTH-sky. {Which is 10/Pi}. And please notice how_extremely-close_his figure of 24859.86174 is to .. his other figure (he had already found) of 24858.38047 Now .. I'm going to suggest a very "fine" tuning, here. Why not try to see if we can 'retain' his 24858.38047 by checking to see if it might resonate with certain key figures .. such as the Y2K ("ASM") MARS Grid Point Value in the EARTH-Sky .. ?? .. and/or certain other "Mars-related" figures .. such as the "65656127" decimal-harmonic which is so redundantly-displayed at Tikal's major pyramids .. ??!!! It was R.Carl who found the MARS Y2K ("ASM") Grid Point Value .. directly-projected_from_the "Astrolog 5.40" database. He calculated this as .. 210.6326984 {See his figures, on the "GridPoint" BBS}. Suppose we "fine-tune" R.Carl's *already-fine-tuned* Condensed-Sexigesimal-Mode figure of 80450.97034 .. to .. 80455.7643 .. ?? Why ? Well; for one thing .. the resulting 360-degrees-based angle (slope-angle, from its base, of "Temple IV" at Tikal, itself) .. would be .. 72.55940607 deg .. with the tangent of .. 3.183098971 .. which is not quite "exactly" (10/Pi) .. but is *extremely-close* .. especially considering its_tangent_function, here. If you review Munck's work regarding Tikal .. you will run-into the figure 38.19718634 .. which is "exactly" 2/3rds of the_360_based Radian-arc value of 57.29577951 (deg). Here's what you get when you multiply_2/3rds_Radian in the 360-degrees system .. times the Y2K ("ASM") Grid Point Value of MARS in the EARTH-Sky .. (38.19718634 * 210.6326984) = 8045.57643 That's_precisely_1/10th of 80455.7643 ----------------------------- What about the "65656127" decimal-harmonic ? The Grid Point Value of "FACE ONE" at Cydonia on Mars .. is .. 656.56127 .. {Munck, 1993}. (80455.7643 * 656.56127) .. = 787873.524 * (210.6326984 / 3.141592654) And there you have the Volume of a Sphere .. in the_360_system .. perfectly-in-sync with the ratio of the Y2K ("ASM") Grid Point Value for MARS in the EARTH-Sky and a relatively-precise Pi constant. In my "book" .. THIS is very hard to beat. Thanks to Robert Carl .. who has noticed an encoded reciprocal of the apparent Condensed-Sexigesimal-Mode base slope-angle of "Tikal Pyramid IV" .. we evidently have_another_break-through, here, involving the "Pyramid-Matrix" and the "ASM". We are seeing, here, precisely-encoded references to major_artificial_structures at Cydonia on Mars, as well as very "high-precision" references to both the Equatorial_and_Polar Circumferences of EARTH, in terms of Statute Miles. -- Michael Lawrence Morton ------------- Michael Lawrence Morton I agree, Chronos .. Wed Apr 9 18:31:38 2003 I agree with Chronos, here. I DO recognize the TANGENT of (10 / Pi) .. "exactly" .. (or; "to a relatively-high precision") .. as_significant_in the "ASM" .. as the Y2K Grid Point Value of VEGA. {As well as being a Pi-Reciprocal dh}. So .. yes .. I definitely agree that the base slope-angle for "Temple IV" at Tikal .. is intended, by the designers/builders, to "indicate"_MORE-THAN-ONE_important piece of data. I'm saying I think the 80450.96606_AND_the 80445.76431 Condensed-Sexigesimals are apparently intended, in this case. (Possibly others, too .. I don't know). But these 2, "for sure". If you go to my follow-up posting in this thread, you'll see how the_Grid Point_of "Temple IV" ITSELF .. along with the "D&M Pyramid" Grid Point (Cydonia,Mars) fit this_80455.76431_figure so well .. in *case-related* equations. That's why I'm so excited about this 80455.76431 .. NOT that I think it's "the" figure here. I just wanted to be 'clear' on that. -- Michael Lawrence Morton(c) 2003 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.