Matrix Message 396
Houston Unity Pyramid ..
Michael Lawrence Morton Chronos .. you just 'made my day' .. Fri Apr 11 12:54:22 2003 Chronos wrote .. >> >> Something else I like is... well, we're talking about Houston here... where we bet those Masons who've been to the moon like to hang out if they can get away with it... The Moon... Michael L. Morton has Matrix Values for the Moon itself at "the appointed time"... (something to do with when key points in the heavens form a cross... or given my particular logic about 4 cornered objects forced into 2-d, when the heavens themselves form a symbolic tetrahedon, if you will...)<< << The Moon .. 12Lib 33'23" .. translates to .. 132(deg) * 36(min) * 33(sec) E.ALNITAK .. = 156816 E.ALNITAK. My fine-tuning .. = 157079.6327 E.ALNITAK .. = (Pi / 2) * (10^5). + 05:13'53" .. = 3445 N.of ecliptic. My fine-tuning .. = 3445.141853 = (1096.622711 * Pi) .. and notice the dh of 1.096622711 .. a "dragony thing". Could that be a reference to .. the "Draconian Astrology" method .. ??!! (-; Grid Point Value .. (157079.6327 / 3445.141853) .. = 45.59453263 Which is... well, 45.59453263 / 2 = 22.79726637, doesn't it? The Eagle has landed... ;-) >> >> Ohhhh, yeah !! You said it. The U.S. Naval Observatory, in Washington, D.C. .. has the "Osirian" Grid Point Value of 15. And its Grid LAT is a decimal-harmonic of the Y2K ("ASM") Grid Point Value of GALACTIC CENTER. AND; its Grid LONG (W.Giza) is a decimal-harmonic of the Y2K ("ASM") Grid Point Value of SIRIUS. (35530.57584 / 2368.705056) = 15 I just_now_"happened" to find this following equation .. inspired by the immediately-preceding posting by Chronos .. [(Moon / Sirius) * Galactic Center] / South Galactic Node = (Antares * Unity Church). And; in "other language" .. [(45.59453265 / 2.368705056) * 35.53057584] / 6.981317008 = (4.297183463 * 22.7972663) One might even say that "The U.S. Naval Observatory", here, is metaphorically The Observer .. looking at a "line-of-sight" (2-D) display of a particular "As Above, So Below equation". --------------------------------- And speaking of Chronos' mentioning of the "cross" motif .. in the Sky .. as in 4 points in 2-D "line-of- sight" perspective from EARTH .. which would correspond in 3-D to the four corners of a square-based pyramid (or octahedron) .. I'm wondering if "Solar Apex" and "South Galactic Node" might possibly be able-to-be 'projected' .. via "Auto-CAD", or something .. ?? .. as "Apexes" of the "Holy Cross" in the Sky .. into a "3-D" drawing (on computer) and then possibly "looked-at" from various perspectives "outside of EARTH" .. ?? You might then get an octahedron .. 'projected' via "Auto-CAD" or some such tool .. and then be able to "view" it in "3-D" .. but you'd also need to limit the "Cross" to something obviously NOT stretching out to where the "Cross-Stars" actually are in terms of literal distance .. you follow ? I'm just "thinking-out-loud", here .. re: such an exercise using "Auto-CAD" or some such tool. This might not "work", or even be meaningful .. I just don't know. Just an idea. The main thing is still the EARTH-perspective .. I want to emphasize that. The Y2K ("ASM") perspective is EARTH-centric, essentially. But I'm just tinkering with the_idea_of possibly additional 'projections', or something. ---------------------------------- By the way .. I'm NOT an "Auto-CAD" person, nor anything of the sort. I'm not a "graphics" kind of animal. ------------------------------------- I just also want to point-out that the Grid Point Value for "Dome of the Rock" (center) .. {R.Carl; Morton} .. finds a decimal-harmonic of the "Americana" figure .. via Chronos' "Unity Church" Grid Point Value .. (779.2727281 * 22.79726633) = 17765.28792 And .. the Ecliptic Y2K ("ASM") Grid LONG (W.ALNITAK) for FOMALHAUT .. which, by the way, is one of the "Holy Cross" stars .. is a decimal-harmonic of "Americana" .. 177652.8792 W.ALNITAK. -- Michael Lawrence Morton ---------------- Michael Lawrence Morton Look at its Resonance with Las Vegas' Luxor Pyramid .. Wed Apr 23 07:06:09 2003 Robert Carl has REALLY opened-up an important subject with his delving into "Modern Pyramids" (their locations, at least). I've noticed some very remarkable resonance, between the "Unity Church Pyramid" (near Houston, TX) and the Las Vegas (NV) "Luxor Pyramid". Reviewing Robert Carl's figures for the "Unity Church Pyramid" near Houston, Texas .. LAT .. 29(deg) * 44(min) * 4.79308006(sec) N. .. = 6115.970157 N. LONG .. 126(deg) * 37(min) * 29.90720731(sec) W.Giza .. = 139427.4005 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich .. 95 deg 29 min 29.11 sec ]. Grid Point Value .. (139427.4005 / 6115.970157) .. = 22.79726632 And; his figures for the Las Vegas "Luxor Pyramid" .. LAT .. 36(deg) * 06(min) * 43.63323131(sec) N. .. = 87604.8194 N. LONG .. 146(deg) * 18(min) * 33.3351672(sec) W.Giza .. = 9424.777961 W.Giza. [W.Greenwich .. 115 deg 10 min 32.53 sec ]. Grid Point Value .. (87604.8194 / 9424.777961) .. = 9.295160029 What might the_name_"Las Vegas" suggest, in terms of "ASM" connotations ? VEGA ? Yes .. I think so. My Y2K figures for VEGA are .. [180000 / (18000*Pi)] .. = (10 / Pi) = 3.183098862 (9.295160029 / 3.183098862) = 2.920160646 .. R.Carl's Grid Point Value (in WGS '84) for STONEHENGE. So; at Y2K .. (Las Vegas' Luxor Pyramid / VEGA) .. = STONEHENGE. (9424.777961 / 6115.970157) = 1.54101111 .. the Grid Point Value (R.Carl) for the_center_of "The Circle of Churches" in the vicinity of Rennes-le-Chateau in the South of France. (139427.4005 / 87604.8194) = 1.591549431 .. = (5 / Pi) .. the Grid Point Value {Morton} for the_center_of The Capitol Rotunda in Washington, D.C. Notice the "arc-seconds-tag" on the_latitude_for the "Luxor Pyramid" in Las Vegas .. 43.63323131 .. and in case you haven't recognized it, it is the Y2K Grid Point Value for ALNITAK in Orion's Belt .. the ecliptic prime meridian "marker-star"_for_the "ASM". (43.63323131 / 3.183098862) = (137.0778389 / 10) .. EXACTLY 1/10th of the "Ideal Fine Structure Constant Inverse". So; at Y2K .. (ALNITAK / VEGA) .. = (IFSC Inverse / 10). (6115.970157 / 87604.8194) = 0.06981317008 .. a decimal-harmonic of the_6.981317008_Grid Point Value for SOUTH GALACTIC NODE at Circa 2000 A.D. AND .. 6.981317008 is_also_the Grid Point Value that I calculated for the "Alien w/CD" crop-formation, which began appearing on 14th of August, 2002. (On-the-record). (6.981317008 / 9.295160029) = (7.51070125 / 10) .. where_7.51070125_is the "Tesla-Tower" Grid Point Value *recently* found by Robert Carl. Michael Lawrence Morton(c) 2003 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.