Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 398

Now: Connections to *Eltanin Antenna* .. ?!?! ..

Michael Lawrence Morton
Now: Connections to *Eltanin Antenna* .. ?!?! ..
Sun Apr 20 06:37:48 2003

Antennas, antennas, antennas .. eh ?!

How about "Tesla-Tower/Montauk" connections to the
Eltanin Antenna ..
and/or to its "Northern Reciprocal Location" ?!

We don't know (as far as I know) as to whether-or-not
there's actually an "antenna", per se, AT the Siberian
location .. but we know the *location* itself of the
Siberian "diametrical-opposite" to the Eltanin Antenna,
on Earth's surface.

If you look-up my material on this subject, you should
find 2.480502134 GPV for Eltanin Antenna location,
and 8.25059225 GPV for "Siberian Opposite-Northern Recip.
location". Their multiplied-product is .. 20.56561168

I don't even recognize it !

BUT .. I'm_wondering_if this might have an obvious-
looking mathematical resonance with the Tesla-Tower/
"Sage-Radar-Antenna" combo. So; when wondering ..
follow-through and check it out.

(2.480502134 * 8.25059225) / 0.096 ..
= 21.6 * (Pi^2)

Hey !! Nice !! 

21.6 is POLARIS at Y2K. (Its Grid Point Value).
And look how "Polar" POLARIS is .. a dh of the 21600
Nautical Miles Polar Circumference of Planet Earth.

And (Pi^2) is very resonant with the ratio of
(57.29577951 / Cydonia City Square Center) ..
= Miami Square Center = 1.013211837
This is where; my GPV for "Cydonia City Square Center"
is .. (18*Pi) .. which I just_saw_bouncing-around in
Chronos'latest series !! Synchronicity abounds when
you're onto something.

(Pi^2) * 1.013211837 = 10. Our base number.

Please recall .. that_0.096_is actually the multiplied-
product of .. (IFSC * Tesla-Tower * Sage-Radar Antenna) ..
and Respectively this is ..
(0.007295125222 * 7.510701251 * 1.752096389) = 0.096

So; I'm showing the "Ideal Fine Structure Constant"
as being very involved in this particular "Teslian"

The "Ideal Fine Structure Constant" is found to be ..
[72 / (Pi^2)] / (10^3)

So; you can see that (Pi^2), itself, is an integral factor
in the "IFSC". 

And the_Inverse_of the IFSC is showing itself to be
very directly-related to 0.096 in this way ..
(13.15947253 / 137.0778389) = 0.096

There's the Almighty 13.15947253 .. and decimal-harmonics
thereof. Everyone; please stand and salute.

21.6 * (Pi^2) = 6 times Galactic Center ..
= 6 * 35.53057584


[21.6 * (Pi^2)] / (MARS "Ideal-mean" AU-distance) ..
= (233280 * 0.6) / (10^3)

I like it. The 233280 is the Y2K Grid LONG of Sol.
And the 0.6 is the "ideal" number of arc-seconds of
'movement' of the_main_Obliquity-to-the Ecliptic angle
per year.

(233280 * 0.6) / (10^3) = 1458 * 0.096

I've been intrigued by 1458 for quite a while.
Kind of has a "Renaissance" feel to it.
And a sort of "French" flavor, or something. 

(1458 / 2.0736) = (162000 / 230.4)

You recall the_2.0736_figure ?
(5.76 / 2.0736) = 2.777777777 ..
= (1.234567901 * 2.25) ..
and Respectively that is ..
(Quantum Electron * Quantum Proton) .. B.Schreiber.
And the 5.76 is my Revised June Solstice Node for
Circa 2000 A.D. 

230.4 is the "Condensed Sexagesimal Mode" for the
MARS Prime Meridian Variance ..
09(deg) * 32(min) * 0.8(sec) = 230.4 ..
between the "Rand-NASA" prime meridian and the
current Pyramid-Matrix prime meridian.

{{ BTW .. just noticed .. 233280 / 9 = 25920 }}.
Gary Val Tenuta .. I hope you're goin' wild .. LOL ! 

162000 .. is the pure, natural, unadulterated Speed-of-
Light, brought to you by Captain Bruce Cathie ..
in coupons redeemable in Nautical Miles per Time-second.
So; hurry .. to your nearest .. ahhh .. ohh, hell ..
can't think of anything good enough.

Now; ladies and gentlemen ..
back to the Orion Belt .. and the "Orion Belt-stars
This is where you multiply the extremes and then
divide by the Middle One.
(ALNITAK * MINTAKA) / ALNILAM .. respectively is ..
= (43.63323131 * 31.00627668) / 170.010936 ..
= 7.957747155

I'm going to (now, before your very eyes) take a decimal-
harmonic of ALNILAM .. and multiply it by 4 .. which (4)
happens to be the Y2K Grid Point Value of JUPITER.
(17.0010936 * 4) = 68.0043744 .. and, you see, here ..
the proposed width (by Robert Carl) of the "Tesla-Tower"
in regular feet.

Now; observe .. as I use the Great "365020081" ..
decimal-harmonic of both the Matrix Solar-Year in Days,
and the "LOPER" .. Lunar Orbits per Earth-Rotation (!!) ..
(68.0043744 / 0.365020081) = 186.3031048 ..
and I'll be the Model for "Face Two" .. (not really, I
hope) .. it's the proposed_height_of Tesla's Tower in
regular feet (proposed by R.Carl).

Oh .. BTW .. 3.65020081 is also the multiplied-product
of Mounds A & B at Montauk. (As discussed in the preceding
postings, somewhere.)

(ALNITAK * MINTAKA) .. (analagous to "Mounds A & B" ??) ..
= 1352.904042

(1352.904042 / 1351.926225) = 1.000723277

1351.926225 is a dh of R.Carl's Silbury Hill GPV.

1.000723277 is the "King" Gremlin.

(3.65020081 / 1.000723277) = 3.647562611

3.647562611 = SQUARE of (57.29577951 / 30) ..
= Square of the GPV of the "Poverty Point" Eye ..
= (248.0502134 / 68.0043744) ..
= (656.56127 / 180) ..
= (57.29577951 / 5) / 3.141592654

-- Michael Lawrence Morton 
(c) 2003 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.
