Matrix Message 399
Revising the Y2K ("ASM") Solstice Nodes .. Part 1 ..
Michael Lawrence Morton Revising the Y2K ("ASM") Solstice Nodes .. Part 1 .. Tue Apr 15 20:26:14 2003 I've come to realize that my Y2K ("ASM") Solstice Nodes are really not correct. This is because I've actually used "360" .. or, the Ecliptic "itself", as the (ecliptic)latitude for the Solstice Nodes .. which is not correct, of course, because .. at our Solstices, we are *angled* away-from the Ecliptic at the *max* .. which would be essentially 23.5 (approximate) degrees_from_the Ecliptic. At our Equinoxes, of course .. we are *intersected* with the Ecliptic .. and so the "360" (the Ecliptic, itself) is the appropriate and correct figure in those cases (at the Equinoxes)for the (ecliptic) Grid LAT. Until now .. I hadn't really thought that much .. as to how I might calculate the_correct_ecliptc-Grid LAT for the Solstice Nodes at Y2K (in the "ASM"). So; rising to this task, I decided to try using the 23.54491542 figure as a likely encoded figure for the Obliquity-to-the-Ecliptic angle. As it turns-out .. I do think this is the intended encoding .. but in "Condensed Sexigesimal Mode". Thanks to Robert Carl, by the way .. for coining this term. And I also think a decimal-harmonic of the Martian Grid LAT of the "South Flying Serpent" {D.Elkins, M.Morton; 2001, Internet} .. is playing a key role, in this case. This particular 'serpent' (on the ground at Cydonia; seen via aerial-view in certain Viking photos) .. was recognized as-such by Damon Elkins in his research. It is to the southeast of "The D&M Pyramid". "South Flying Serpent" .. 40(deg) * 43(min) * 1.784791717(sec) North .. = 3069.841753 North. 6.5656127(min) E.Cydonia .. = a decimal-harmonic of the "Face One" Grid Point Value {Munck, 1993} of 656.56127 .. very interesting, to say the very least. "South Flying Serpent" Grid Point .. (3069.841753 / 6.5656127) = 467.563637 .. a decimal-harmonic of the Grid LAT of The Mycerinus Pyramid of Giza .. {Munck, 1993}. What does all this have to do with our Solstice Nodes at Circa 2000 A.D. ? I think quite a lot. The figure_30698.41753_could very likely be the Condensed Sexigesimal (Ecliptic Grid LAT) intended for the Solstice Nodes of Circa 2000 A.D. .. to fit with the Y2K ("ASM") calibrations. 30698.41753 N/S of Ecliptic .. = 23(deg) * 32(min) * 41.70980643(sec) N/S of Ecliptic. 23.54491542 degrees .. = 23 deg 32 min 41.695512 sec The difference, there, is only 0.01429443 arc-seconds. I think this is a logical reason for The Great Sphinx and The Chephren Pyramid to_each_be centered at a_Giza_longitude of 11.77245771 arc-seconds .. E.Giza for The Great Sphinx, and W.Giza for The Chephren Pyramid. (11.77245771 + 11.77245771) = 23.54491542 Apparently, as well as being a decimal-harmonic of what I have proposed as the "Ideal/mean" AU distance for the "former TIAMAT" (see Z.Sitchin's works) .. 23.54491542 is the "Circa 2000" Obliquity-to-the-Ecliptic angle encoded for Earth's tilt. ------------------------- I've actually predicted a Y2K sky-location for "Nibiru", of 14804.4066 S.of Ecliptic Grid LAT .. 38(deg) * 57(min) * 6.834906094(sec) S.of Ecliptic. And .. 540 E.ALNITAK Grid LONG .. 18(deg) * 03(min) * 10(sec) E.ALNITAK. Grid Point .. (14804.4066 / 540) = 27.41556778 If, as Damon Elkins has proposed, the 3 "Flying Serpents" at Cydonia are symbolic stylized depictions of "Nibiru" as it "travels through the sky" (as observed from Earth and/or from Mars) .. then why not take that as a clue to compare these 2 Grid LAT figures ? (30698.41753 / 14804.4066) = 2.0736 (2.0736 / 0.096) = 21.6 .. POLARIS @ Y2K (Grid Point). 0.096 = (IFSC * Tesla's Tower * Sage Radar Mound) .. = {[72 / (Pi^2)] / (10^3)} * 7.510701251 * 1.752096388 This is where; IFSC is the "Ideal Fine Structure Constant" {Morton} .. and where; "Tesla's Tower" is the spot (Grid Point Value) just located and figured-out by Robert Carl, where Tesla's "Wardenclyffe Tower" (to be a wireless-electricity transmitter) was located, albeit all-too-briefly, before J.P.Morgan and George Westinghouse realized that they couldn't "hook-up a meter" to a wireless general (essentially "free") energy transmission system. The "Sage Radar Mound" is where there was (possibly still there) a radar-antenna which is mentioned in certain writings involving the "Montauk" intrigue. {{ To be continued }}. -- Michael Lawrence Morton(c) 2003 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.