I just wanted to share some more, on the topic of DNA ... re: Raphiem's email of several days ago. "DNA/RNA Un-zipping angle .... is .... 7 deg 20 min".. ? .. Correct, Raphiem ?
OK .. that means it is 7.333333333 deg .... or .... 7 deg plus 1/3rd of a degree.
Notice the tetrahedral geometry involved here, alone ... (01 deg) X SIN 19.47122061 ....>br>
= 1 X 0.333333333 ...
= 0.333333333 degree.
19.47122061 deg is Hoagland's Tetrahedral Latitude ... north/south of the equator.
Now ... let's use the "720" number ... the number of corner-angle degrees on the surface of a tetrahedron ... 4 triangles on the surface, and each triangle has 180 degrees of corner-angle ... (4 X 180) = 720.
Let's multiply "720" times that 7.333333333 degrees angle .....
720 X 7.333333333 = 5280 .... precisely; the number of Feet in a statute mile.
The more I look at the metrology handed-down to us from The Anunnaki, the more I notice the geometric resonance involved in the NUMBERS used for the 'distance' and the 'time' units.
- Michael L. Morton