Matrix Message 400
Part 2 .. Revising the Circa 2000 A.D. Solstice Nodes
Michael Lawrence Morton Part 2 .. Revising the Circa 2000 A.D. Solstice Nodes Wed Apr 16 04:28:52 2003 By the same token .. (0.096 * 225) = 21.6 .. POLARIS. And 225 is the Square of 15. My proposed "IFSC Inverse" is 137.0778389 .. and when you multiply that by the 0.096 .. (0.096 * 137.0778389) = 13.15947253 The Sage Radar Mound seems to be 'resonant' with SIRIUS. How so ? Via_Silbury Hill_in England. And this is the revised (non-Munck) Grid Point Value for Silbury Hill {Robert Carl} .. (1.752096388 * 1.351926225) = 2.368705056 .. SIRIUS @ Y2K. ------------------------------------ So; allow me to show the calculations, now, for my_revised_Circa 2000 A.D. Solstice Nodes. The Galactic Nodes' ecliptic-longitudes are ALIGNED, as of Circa 2000 A.D., with our_Solstices'_ecliptic- longitudes. (Yes .. this is very important). {As-observed-from-Earth .. "self-reference".} (30698.41753 / 5329.586377) then describes my revised June Solstice Node for Circa 2000 A.D. This ratio is a Grid Point of .. 5.76 .. a decimal-harmonic match of the 5760 Hebrew (Nippar) Calendar equivalent of 2000 A.D. And 5760 is a_factor_in the "Cydonia/Giza Equation" that I found, based on Munck's Pyramid-Matrix figures for the 3 main pyramids at Giza, for "The D&M Pyramid" and "Face One" at Cydonia (on Mars), and on my Grid Point Value for MINTAKA (in Orion's Belt) at Y2K. This is that equation .. (Cheops * Chephren * Mycerinus) .. = (Face One * D&M Pyramid * MINTAKA * 5760). Respectively .. that is .. (248.0502134 * 5764.166073 * 2261.946711) .. = (656.56127 * 27.58106915 * 31.00627668 * 5760). 5.76 = (2.4)^2 5.76 / 2.0736) = 2.777777777 .. repeating 7s .. Bert Schreiber's Quantum Proton Number_multiplied_by his Quantum Electron Number .. (2.25 * 1.234567901) = 2.777777777 repeating 7s. Yes .. the B.Schreiber Quantum Electron Number is *identical* to the Grid Point Value of the Department of Energy {building, in D.C.; The DOE; thanks to R.Carl, 2003, Internet} and also *identical* to the Grid Point Value of EARTHFACE {its remains, heavily eroded; site discovered and identified by Dr.Bruce Cornet; "matrix" figures discovered and identified by M.L.Morton; Warwick, New York State, USA}. Please recall the figure_2.0736_from the immediately- preceding posting on the "GridPoint" BBS website. -------------------------------------- Now; as for December Solstice Node (revised) of Circa 2000 A.D. .. (105760.4031 / 30698.41753) = 3.445141854 When the 2 (revised) Solstice Nodes are multiplied .. (3.445141854 * 5.76) = 19.84401708 .. exactly 1/10th of the Grid LONG (W.Giza) of The Greenwich Observatory {R.Carl, M.L.Morton, 2002, Internet}. I'm now going to take the_ratio_of the Grid LAT of the Galactic Nodes and the Grid LAT of the Solstice Nodes. (37207.53202 / 30698.41753) = (1 / 0.825059225) There's a LOT going-on, here !! Recall that 6.5656127 is the E.Cydonia (on Mars) longitude (in arc-minutes) of the "South Flying Serpent". (6.5656127 / 0.825059225) = 7.957747951 .. the "Orion Belt-stars Composite". The "Galactic Cross" figure remains as .. 41887.90205 .. multiplied-product of the Solstice Nodes and Equinox Nodes at Circa 2000 A.D. (5.76 * 7.5 * 3.445141854 * 281.4477322) = 41887.90205 Using R.Carl's Grid Point Value for Tesla's Tower .. (41887.90205 / 7.510701251) = 5577.096019 .. not only the "Giza Grid Point" {Munck, 1993} .. but ALSO the Grid LONG W.Giza for the "Bunker A" (Mound) at Camp Hero, Montauk .. {Morton}. ------------------------------- (7.510701251 / Baphy) = "Ideal-Mean" MARS AU-distance. Respectively .. (Tesla's Tower / 4.931235553) = 1.523087099 .. thanks to R.Carl. And; (1 / 1.523087099) = 0.65656127 Notice, in fact, that 3.445141854 = (6.890283706 / 2). And_6.890283706_is the E.Cydonia longitude (in arc-min) for "Face One" on MARS .. {Munck, 1993}. (3.445141854 / 3.141592654) = (3.141592654 / 3)^2 .. = 1.096622711 ------------------------------------ Recall my figures for the "June Solstice 2001" crop- formation in Wiltshire, England. My Grid Point Value for the_center_of that crop-formation was/is .. 1.157407407 .. and this is on-the-record. (5.76 * 1.157407407) = 6.666666666 .. repeating 6s. Now; please recall the figure for South Galactic Node *AND* for the "Alien w/CD" crop-formation .. my figures for both of these (on-the-record) is IDENTICAL .. 6.981317008 .. where the "Alien w/CD" crop-formation began to appear on the 14th of August, 2002, in Hampshire, near Winchester, England. This was_exactly_one year after the "Crop-Face" appeared in 2001 next to the Chilbolton Radio Observatory. (6.981317008 / 6.666666666) = (3.141592654 / 3). This is key figure in the B.Schreiber Quantum Physics numbers. Schreiber's Circumscribed Regular Hexagon, within the context of his "Segmatics" theory, has a perimeter of 343.7746771, where the Circumscribing Circle has the circumference of 360. (360 / 343.7746771) = (3.141592654 / 3). Notice, too, that_3437.746771_is the Polar Radius of EARTH, in Nautical Miles_and_in latitude arc-minutes. What was my Grid Point Value for "Crop-Face" of 14th August of 2001 ? It was/is .. 2.117510841 [72 / (3.141592654^2)] / 3.445141854 = 2.117510841 Do you recognize the decimal-harmonic, there, of the "Ideal Fine Structure Constant" ? [72 / (Pi^2)] / (10^3) = IFSC. Solstice Nodes' Ratio .. (5.76 / 3.445141854) .. = 1.671919544 Equinox Nodes' Ratio .. (281.4477322 / 7.5) .. = 37.52636429 RATIO-of-Ratios .. (37.52636429 / 1.671919544) .. = 22.44507783 Using the "Galactic Cross" figure .. (41887.90205 / 22.44507783) = 1866.24 .. Square of 43.2, and a decimal-harmonic of the "gematrian" speed-of-light in Statute Miles per Time-second. (1866.24 * 4) = (3600 * 2.0736) Now I hope this is raising some eyebrows. 3600, of course, is the {Z.Sitchin} "ideal" number of Earth years for the orbit-period of "Nibiru". AND; 3600 is the Y2K Ecliptic Grid LAT for both Galactic Center AND Galactic Anti-Center .. 05(deg) * 40(min) * 18(sec) N/S of Ecliptic. {Morton}. 7.441506403 is the_ratio_of the Grid Point Values of Galactic Center and Galactic Anti-Center .. (35.53057584 / 4.774648293) = 7.441506403 .. {Morton}. ALSO .. 7.441506403 is the Y2K Grid Point Value for BETELGEUSE in Orion {Morton} .. AND .. 7.441506403 is the_"arc-seconds-tag" on the W.Giza longitude of The Washington Monument in D.C. .. {Morton}. (7.441506403 / 5.76) / 3.445141854 = 0.375 .. = ("Holy Cross" / "Galactic Cross") .. = (15707.96327 / 41887.90205). 15707.96327 is_also_the Ecliptic Grid LAT for the Y2K sky-location of .. ALNITAK, in Orion's belt. {Morton}. And ALNITAK is the ecliptic prime meridian "marker-star" .. {theory of Mary Anne Weaver; proven by Michael Lawrence Morton}. The "Holy Cross" is the multiplied-product of the Y2K sky-locations (Grid Point Values) of these 4 stars .. (ALDEBARAN * REGULUS * ANTARES * FOMALHAUT) .. respectively, this is .. (8.888888888 * 19.7392088 * 4.297183463 * 20.83333333) .. = 15707.96327 = (3.141592654 / 2) * (10^4). {{ Continued as Part 3 }} -- Michael Lawrence Morton(c) 2003 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.