Matrix Message 406
My latest proposal for Nibiru's sky-location
Michael Lawrence Morton My latest proposal for Nibiru's sky-location Sun May 25 03:25:29 2003 This is my latest proposal for the "current" (or Y2K, I suppose) sky-location .. (line-of-sight-from-Earth) .. Ecliptic LATITUDE and Ecliptic LONGITUDE .. for "Nibiru". It has just occurred to me that Nibiru's 2000 A.D. sky-location (as-observed-from- Earth) could be encoded as a_"Degrees-Only"_figure in its_LATITUDE_portion. This would be encoded as (2Pi)^2 .. in degrees .. 39.4784176 deg. It seems to me, at this time, that the_540_Ecliptic Grid LONG makes sense. This would be .. 'exactly' 18 ecliptic-longitude degrees into Sidereal Gemini, *plus* 03 min, 10 sec from the Cusp to ALNITAK, in ecliptic longitude. So; the 03 min, 10 sec would be in Sidereal Taurus. This is then 18(deg) * 03(min) * 10(sec) E.ALNITAK = 540 E.ALNITAK. The Grid Point Value would be .. [540 / (2Pi)^2] = 13.67835979 Many major correlations are coming out of this_13.67835979_figure. There is this equation using both the 2000 A.D. and the 5760 Nippurian/Hebrew calendar-years .. along with our current (Circa 2000 A.D.) Solstice Nodes .. where 5.76 is my revised June Solstice Node and where 3.445141852 is my revised December Solstice Node .. (13.67835979 * 5.76 * 3.445141852 * 2000) / 5760 = (30 * 3.141592654) .. and 30Pi deg is the_azimuth-of-orientation_ of The Great Sphinx of Giza .. {Munck}. There is this equation, involving "Abraham's Number" and my multiplied-total "Ideal-Mean" AU-distances of all the planets in our Sol System including the former TIAMAT .. and 'minus' NIBIRU .. (13.67835979 * 82944) = 1134537.875 AND; 82944 = (360 * 230.4) .. where 230.4 is my "Mars Prime Meridian Longitude Variance" encoding .. 09(deg) * 32(min) * 0.8(sec) = 230.4 (30 * 3.141592654) / 13.67835979 = 6.890283707 .. Grid LONG E.Cydonia (min) for "Face One" .. {Munck}. Also .. decimal-harmonic of Ecliptic Grid Point Value at Y2K for SPICA .. {Morton; 689.0283707}. (13.67835979 * 13.15947253) = 180 .. Pi Radians-of-arc in the_360_system. (12.5 / 1.570796327) = 7.957747155 = (13.67835979 / 1.718873385) .. where 12.5 is the_ratio_of the Y2K Ecliptic Grid Point Values of Galactic Center and Solar Apex .. respectively, this is .. (35.53057584 / 2.842446068). Plus .. 12.5 is a decimal-harmonic of the 12,500_years_from 10,500 B.C. ("Zep Tepi") to "year 2000 A.D." .. and thanks to Damon Elkins for that one. AND; 1.570796327 = (MINTAKA / REGULUS) .. respectively, this is their Y2K Grid Point Values in-ratio .. (31.00627668 / 19.7392088). The_7.957747155_is the ecliptic "Orion Belt-stars Composite" at Y2K. The_1.718873385_is my value for The Royal Cubit in Regular Feet. (14400 / 13.67835979) = 196968.381 .. the {Robert Carl} revised Grid LONG for the "Observatory Circle" (center) at the Newark Earthworks .. Newark, Ohio. A decimal-harmonic of that figure .. 1969.68381 .. is the_Square_of the Grid Point Value of {Munck} "Temple I" at Tikal, Guatemala .. a major Mayan pyramid .. (44.38112)^2 = 1969.68381 And this is where my "Full-Octave-Cross" figure for NIBIRU's orbit-path nodes, on line-of-sight from Earth .. is encoded_as_the Grid LONG for "Temple I". 123758.8838 W.Giza .. = 120(deg) * 45(min) * 22.91831181(sec) W.Giza .. for "Temple I" longitude. My "Full-Octave-Cross" for NIBIRU's orbit-path nodes is .. (2.368705056 * 7.5 * 10.44949716 * 281.4477322 * 2.368705056) .. = 123758.8838 Notice the_arc-seconds-tag_for the "Temple I" W.Giza longitude, there. 22.91831181 is_also_the W.Cydonia (min) Grid LONG that I found for "City Square Cydonia" (center) .. {M.L.Morton}. This is mathematically-equivalent to .. 'exactly' .. (72 / Pi). 22.91831181 = (904.7786847 / 39.4784176) .. where the 904.7786847 is the revised {Robert Carl} Grid LAT for the "Octagon Circle" at the Newark Earthworks .. where 40(deg) * 03(min) * 7.539822373(sec) N. .. = 904.7786847 N. (centered). Notice, please .. (123758.8838 / 13.67835979) .. = (10 * 904.7786847). (13.67835979 * 753.9822373) = 10313.24031 .. the Area of a Circle, encoded with the_57.29577951_numerical *value* of the Radian-arc in the 360 system .. where (360 / 2Pi) = 57.29577951 deg. This encoding uses that value as the *radius length* .. in the standard equation for Area of a Circle .. 3.141592654 * (57.29577951^2) = 10313.24031 "Square Degrees". The_753.9822373_figure is the Ecliptic Y2K Grid LONG for Galactic Anti-Center; where .. 42(min) * 17.95195803(sec) E.ALNITAK .. = 753.9822373 E.ALNITAK .. = (240 * 3.141592654) And the Ecliptic Y2K_Grid LAT_ for Galactic Anti-Center_and_for Galactic Center is .. 3600 N/S of Ecliptic .. = 05(deg) * 40(min) * 18(sec) N/S of Ecliptic. This is where_3600_is the "Ideal-Mean" {Zecharia Sitchin} orbit-period for NIBIRU, in terms of Earth-years. 753.9822373 is a decimal-harmonic of the revised {Robert Carl} Grid Point Value for .. "The Great Octagon" at the Newark Earthworks. {75.39822373}. (75.39822373 * 13.67835979) = 1017.87602 * 1.013211836 .. where_1017.87602_is the Area of the ("imaginary") Circle on the ground at Cydonia (Mars) which represents {Damon Elkins; M.L.Morton; Internet, 2001} "The Marked Celestial Sphere". The_radius_of this circle is 18 statute miles. The_center-point_of this circle is "City Square Cydonia" (center). The_Grid Point Value_{M.L.Morton} at this spot is .. (18 * 3.141592654) .. = 56.54866776 Notice the multiplied-product of the Grid Point Values of "City Square Cydonia" and "Miami Square" (center) .. (56.54866776 * 1.013211836) = 57.29577951 .. the_value_of the Radian-arc constant in the_360_system. (1017.87602 / 904.7786847) = 1.125 .. = (162000 / 144000) = (10.44949716 / 9.288441917) .. where 10.44949716 is my ecliptic "NIBIRU Perihelion Point" .. and .. where 9.288441917 is the Y2K Ecliptic Grid Point Value for ALTAIR. (164.1403175 / 13.67835979) = 12 .. as in "Twelfth Planet" ? Of course, then .. (656.56127 / 13.67835979) = 48 .. and .. (6565.6127 / 13.67835979) = 480 .. the "POLARIS"_location_on the ground at Cydonia .. on the_Circumference_of that "imaginary" Circle representing the Celestial Sphere. 6565.6127 is the_Square_of the Edge-Length of a Circumscribed Regular Octahedron where the radius of the Circumscribing sphere is 57.29577951 in length. AND; 6565.6127 is also the_Square_of the Face-Length of a Circumscribed Regular Tetrahedron where the radius of the Circumscribing sphere is also 57.29577951 in length. {R.Carl}. (12 * 15) = 180 = (13.67835979 * 13.15947253) .. = (3.141592654 * 57.29577951). (13.67835979 * 16 * 15) = 3282.80635 = (57.29577951)^2 .. = 180 * (57.29577951 / 3.141592654) .. = (5 * 656.56127) .. = (50 * 65.656127) .. = (45.59453265 * 72) .. where 45.59453265 is the Y2K Ecliptic Grid Point Value of The Moon. (3.183098862 * 4.297183463) = 13.67835979 .. = (8.876223997 * 1.54101111) .. where 3.183098862 is the Ecliptic Y2K Grid Point Value for VEGA, and where 4.297183463 is the Ecliptic Y2K Grid Point for ANTARES. And; where .. 1.54101111 is the {R.Carl} Grid Point Value for the center of the "Circle of Churches" in the South of France. (15 / 13.67835979) = 1.096622711 And I will also remind you, here .. that 57.29577951 is my prediction for the "Ideal-Mean" AU-distance of NIBIRU .. with (2 * 57.29577951) as the "Aphelion" AU-distance. (3600 / 57.29577951) = (20 * 3.141592654) .. the "20Pi" factor in the "G.E.S. Curtis" work .. regarding the "Stonehenge/Creation" Equation(s). This is NIBIRU's "Ideal-Mean" orbit-period {Z.Sitchin} in Earth-years divided by its "Ideal-Mean" AU-distance. (248.0502134 / 39.4784176) = (2 * 3.141592654) .. 'exactly' 2Pi. This is my ratio for the planet Pluto .. its apparent "Ideal-Mean" orbit-period in Earth-years divided by its apparent "Ideal-Mean" AU-distance. (20Pi / 2Pi) = 10 .. our base number of choice. -------------------------------------------------------- A quick re-cap of this (my latest) proposed_line-of-sight_sky-location for "Nibiru" .. This is based on the Sidereal zodiac, and uses_ecliptic_references for latitude and longitude .. including an *ecliptic-prime meridian* that passes through the Orion belt-star ALNITAK. The location of ALNITAK's ecliptic sidereal longitude is assumed as .. 29 deg TAURUS 56' 50" .. or 03 min ecliptic minutes, and 10 ecliptic seconds, from the Cusp of sidereal Gemini/Taurus. So; I'm proposing Nibiru's "2000 A.D." ecliptic-longitude as exactly 18 ecliptic- longitude degrees_into_sidereal Gemini. This is roughly 1.3333333 degrees ecliptic- West of SIRIUS. And I'm proposing Nibiru's ecliptic-latitude as (2Pi)^2 ecliptic latitude degrees South .. or; roughly 10_minutes_ecliptic-North of SIRIUS. As far as AU-distance is concerned .. my best guess at this stage is that Nibiru is at about 113 to 114 AU .. and possibly close to 113.45 AU .. which would be i.e. a_decimal-harmonic_numerical reference to my 1134537.875 "multiplied-total" AUs ("Mean-Ideal") for all of the planets in the Sol System including the former TIAMAT, except for Nibiru itself. It will probably be found in the *infrared* .. please bear that in mind. Please use the search-engine on the front-page of the "GridPoint" BBS Website. There are many details in my "archives" on the Internet .. which further-explain the encoding systems and procedures involved in this work. Another website I recommend, in this case, is .. That will show you some details concerning "Miami Square" .. which "shows" the (2Pi)^2 "entity", if you will .. encoded in the layout and positioning of "Miami Square" itself .. the *corner-points* of this square. YES .. this_is_one of the reasons for my latest proposal, 'above'. -- Michael Lawrence Morton(c) 2003 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.