Matrix Message 407
Ohio Octagons: Some Astronomical Corroborations ..
Michael Lawrence Morton Let's try this again .. (-: .. Mon May 26 19:32:37 2003 I do appreciate Robert Carl's comments regarding some possible "astronomical" correlations, here .. involving this thread. Let's try some "Lunar" ones .. with a possible surprise from "Nibiru", concerning my latest proposal .. see the posting (or thread, as it's likely to become) just under this thread on "Grid Point" BBS Website. I'll deal here, first, with the_1050.498032_figure pointed-out and discussed by Robert Carl. I'll divide it by the Lunar_Mean_Radius in statute miles. (1050.498032 / 1080) = 0.972683363 Next; I'm going to take the_ratio_of my Lunar Y2K Ecliptic Grid Point Value, and my most-recent Ecliptic (2000 A.D.) Grid Point Value (proposed) for the sky- location of Nibiru. (45.59453265 / 13.67835979) = 3.333333333 .. so; we've got a little "Tetrahedral-HD" pedigree involved .. which is a nice sign. Next; I'll multiply .. (3.333333333 * 0.972683363) = 32 / (3.141592654^2). And there's_"32"_as a factor .. which R.Carl mentions concerning the "Acres-Area" of the Cedar Bank Earthworks in Ohio .. {he quoted this, from a named reference}. I'm now going to use_8/Pi_as a factor in the next equation. We're talking "8" .. so_"8/Pi"_is fair game, here. [32 / (Pi^2)] / (8 / Pi) = 1.273239545 That's the_tangent_of the base slope-angle of The Great Pyramid of Giza and of The Mycerinus Pyramid of Giza .. {Munck, 1993}. 1.273239545 = (4 / 3.141592654) I'm now going to_Square_the Right-Angle, in terms of Radians-of-arc. (1.570796327^2) = 2.467401101 [32 / (3.141592654^2)] * 2.467401101 = 8 (8 / 1.273239545) = 6.283185306 And_6.283185306_happens to be the RATIO of my proposed "Ideal-Mean" orbit-period (in Earth-years), and my "Ideal-Mean" ASM AU-distance .. for the planet Pluto .. (248.0502134 / 39.4784176), respectively. And_39.4784176_in S.Ecliptic degrees happens to be my newly-proposed S.Ecliptic-latitude for the Y2K sky- location of Nibiru. My_540_E.ALNITAK Ecliptic Grid LONG for Y2K Nibiru is numerically_HALF_of 1080. Of course .. (6.283185306 * 1080) = 6785.840132 .. the_Mean_Lunar Circumference in statute miles. (8 * 3.141592654) / 45.59453265 .. = (7.539822366 / 13.67835979) Notice that_7.539822366_is the proposed {R.Carl} arc-seconds-tag on the centered_latitude_for the "Octagon Circle" at the Newark Earthworks, Ohio. AND .. notice that 7.539822366 is a decimal-harmonic of the proposed {R.Carl}_75.39822366_Grid Point Value for the "Great Octagon" at the_same_Newark Earthworks. PLUS .. my Y2K Ecliptic Grid LONG for "Galactic Anti-Center" is .. 753.9822366 E.ALNITAK .. = 42(min) * 17.95195801(sec) E.ALNITAK. (88.76223994 / 7.539822366) = 11.77245771 .. where 88.76223994 is the proposed {R.Carl} Grid Point Value for the_centered_"Observatory Circle" at the *same* Newark Earthworks. And, this is where_11.77245771_is found at Giza, as the Grid LONG for_both_the Great Sphinx and the Chephren Pyramid .. 11.77245771(sec) E.Giza for the Great Sphinx and 11.77245771(sec) W.Giza for the Chephren Pyramid .. {Munck, 1993}. I have proposed that (11.77245771 + 11.77245771) is the encoded "23.54491542" figure for Earth's Obliquity (to the Ecliptic) Angle .. which is apparently (IMO) specifically-related to some_particular_"time-node" involving the ASM. This particular time-node could be the "Y2K" .. the 2000 A.D. .. or; it could be, IMO, the year 2368 A.D. .. which would be referencing the 2368.705056 figure .. {15th of September, 2368 A.D. ?} .. a decimal-harmonic of my SIRIUS Y2K Ecliptic Grid Point Value of 2.368705056 .. and also; 2368.705056 is the_Square_of the Inner Sarcen Circle_Radius_at Stonehenge in regular feet .. {Munck}. (48.66934411^2) = 2368.705056 I've already used the_23.54491542_figure to 'obtain' what I think is the "condensed-sexagesimal-mode" figure for this_"special"_Obliquity-angle for Earth's tilt .. 23(deg) * 32(min) * 41.70980643(sec) N/S of Ecliptic .. = 30698.41753 North-and-South of Ecliptic. Furthermore; this_30698.41753_figure apparently has an important decimal-harmonic at Cydonia on Mars. Damon Elkins and I have found what Damon calls, the "South Flying Serpent" at Cydonia .. to be indicating a Grid LAT of 3069.841753 North .. = 40(deg) * 43(min) * 1.784791717(sec) North. Its_Grid LONG_appears to be a decimal-harmonic of the Grid Point Value {Munck, 1993} of "Face One" at Cydonia .. 6.5656127(min) E.Cydonia. Its_Grid Point Value_is therefore a decimal-harmonic of the_Grid LAT_of the Mycerinus Pyramid of Giza .. 467.563637 = (3069.841753 / 6.5656127). And what is the tangent of the base slope-angle of the Mycerinus Pyramid ? {See earlier in this posting} .. 1.273239545 .. = [32 / (3.141592654^2)] / (8 / 3.141592654) .. where you have the "8" .. and also the "32" acres of Area for the "Cedar Bank" earthworks in Ohio, USA, Earth .. as quoted (referenced) by R.Carl. -- Michael Lawrence Morton(c) 2003 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.