Matrix Message 408
Chiron .. Its Y2K (ASM) Values ..
Michael Lawrence Morton Chiron .. Its Y2K (ASM) Values .. Fri May 30 04:11:58 2003 Chiron .. discovered in 1977 .. a "short-period comet", but MUCH larger than a "typical" comet. It has an eccentric orbit .. near Saturn's orbit at its (Chiron's) perihelion, and near Uranus' orbit at its (Chiron's) aphelion. Its orbit-period is "about" 51 Earth-years. I thought I might as well take a look at it, in terms of the ASM. The "Astrolog 5.40" database {Walter Pullen} has the following data on it, as of Y2K .. @ GMT, Sidereal zodiac, neutral lat/long, at Jan.1, 2000 or New Year's Eve .. 16 Deg Scorpio (Ecliptic-Sidereal, remember) 49' 19" Latitude .. Ecliptic + 04 Deg 04' 07" So; translating that longitude into E.ALNITAK-Ecliptic .. I get .. 166(deg) * 52(min) * 29(sec) E.ALNITAK .. = 250328 E.ALNITAK, approximation. [As always; ALNITAK is assumed_at_Ecliptic 29 Deg TAURUS 56' 50"]. I then interpret 250000 as the "intended" Ecliptic E.ALNITAK Grid LONG. For Ecliptic-latitude N .. 04(deg) * 04(min) * 07(sec) .. = 112 Ecliptic N, approximation. I'm interpreting the 112 as .. 111.9844946 Ecliptic N .. because of what I see involving Bert Schreiber's Quantum Numbers (decimal-harmonics) for Proton and Electron .. 2.25 for Proton and 1.234567901 for Electron. (277.7777777 / 111.9844946) = 2.480502134 .. where the multiplied-product of the B.Schreiber Quantum Proton and Quantum Electron_numbers_is .. (2.25 * 1.234567901) = 2.777777777 And 2.480502134, among_other_things, is the Grid Point Value {M.L.Morton} for the exact location of .. the "ELTANIN ANTENNA" {B.Cathie} on the ocean-floor. So; my Y2K (ASM) Ecliptic Grid Point Value for CHIRON is .. (250000 / 111.9844946) = 2232.451921 And_2232.451921_is a decimal-harmonic of the Y2K Ecliptic Grid LONG for REGULUS .. the Heart of Leo .. {22324.51921 E.ALNITAK; M.L.Morton} .. = 65(deg) * 08(min) * 42.93176771(sec) E.ALNITAK. Notice .. 2232.451921 = (36 * 3.141592654) * 19.7392088 .. where_19.7392088_is the Y2K Ecliptic Grid Point Value for REGULUS. Furthermore; 19.7392088 .. = Pi * (2Pi), exactly. And_36Pi_is ALSO the_exact_Circumference, in statute miles, of the "Marked Celestial Sphere" (imaginary Circle on the ground) at Cydonia on Mars .. {D.Elkins, M.L.Morton} .. which has its_center_as the "City Square Cydonia Center", itself. AND .. the_Grid Point Value_of the "City Square Cydonia Center", itself, is .. exactly (18 * 3.141592654). AND .. (2232.451921 / 39.4784176) = (18Pi), exactly .. where_39.4784176_is the "Ideal-Mean" AU-distance for the planet PLUTO .. {M.L.Morton}. Incredibly .. there is a_direct_connection to the Grid Point Value {R.Carl, M.L.Morton} of the_centered- location_of The Greenwich Observatory in England. (2232.451921 / 280.5381822) = 7.957747155 And_7.957747155_is the actual "Orion Belt-stars Composite" .. at Y2K .. {M.L.Morton} .. [(ALNITAK * MINTAKA) / ALNILAM] .. respectively; (43.63323131 * 31.00627668) / 170.010936 .. = 7.957747951 There is also another major "Giza" connection .. in terms of the_Apex-heights_in regular feet {C.P.Munck} of The Great Pyramid and The Mycerinus Pyramid. (1 / 480.3471728) * 2232.451921 = Square-Root of 21.6 There is the_embedded_Apex-height, in regular feet {Munck} .. in the figure 2232.451921 .. [2232.451921 / (Pi^2)] = 226.1946711 .. (for Mycerinus) = (72Pi), exactly .. in regular feet. The_480.3471728_is Munck's *encased* Apex-height (including capstone) for The Great Pyramid .. in regular feet. Robert Carl's calculations have recently shown that Munck's outer-dimensions (in regular feet) are "as-encased" with the original casing stones. The_226.1946711_is the {Munck} Apex-height in regular feet for The Mycerinus Pyramid of Giza. Furthermore; the_Grid Point Value_for The Mycerinus Pyramid {Munck} is .. 720Pi, exactly .. a decimal- harmonic of 72Pi. ALSO .. 21.6 is the {M.L.Morton} Y2K Ecliptic Grid Point Value for POLARIS .. our "current" north celestial-pole star. And; 21.6 is a decimal-harmonic of 21600 .. the Polar Circumference of Earth in nautical miles_and_in minutes of latitude-arc. (72Pi / 480.3471728) * Pi * 7.957747155 = 11.77245771 11.77245771 is the Grid LONG (in seconds) for both The Great Sphinx of Giza and for The Chephren Pyramid of Giza .. 11.77245771(sec) E.Giza for The Spninx, and 11.77245771(sec) W.Giza for The Mycerinus Pyramid. {Munck, 1993}. I also think that (11.77245771 + 11.77245771) .. = 23.54491542 .. is the "encoded" Obliquity Angle (to our Ecliptic) for Earth's tilt .. at a "time-node" which fits into the "ASM". This particular time-node could, of course, be simply 2000 A.D. .. "Circa" .. or; it might be 2368.705056 A.D. .. which I'm proposing is the_encoded_"beginning of the Aquarius Age". We are now at approximately_05_precessional degrees from the beginning of Sidereal Aquarius (based on the March Equinox). Using the "ideal-mean" of 72 years per precessional degree .. this means about 357 years, *now*, until the end of Sidereal Pisces Age. If you figure on (2000 A.D. + 360) years .. this would be .. 2360 A.D. But if you_also_add-on 8 years (including "Year One") since the birth-year of Jesus the Christ {Laurence Gardner, "Bloodline of the Holy Grail"} .. you will have 2368 A.D. This is encoded, I think .. as .. 2368.705056, in the ASM. This would be about the 15th of September, 2368 A.D. .. for the "intended-official" beginning of the Aquarius Age. Nibiru's most-recent perihelion, in this scenario .. was as-of "00" B.C./A.D. .. or; in other words .. Nibiru's most-recent perihelion "marked" the beginning of our "current, consensus" calendar. -- Michael Lawrence Morton ------------- Michael Lawrence Morton More on this item .. Fri May 30 05:06:22 2003 Continuing, here .. If you read the postings on the "GridPoint" BBS Website regarding the "Stonehenge/Creation" Equations .. by G.E.S. Curtis (1980) .. you'll notice a prominent factor of_20Pi_in those equations. Of course .. this is a decimal-harmonic of (2Pi) .. which (in-turn) is the number of_Radians-of-arc_on any true Circumference. In the_360_system, the_numerical-value_of the Radian-of-arc constant is .. (360 / 2Pi) = 57.29577951 degrees; to 9 decimal places. Now; it_so-happens_that my proposed-predicted "Ideal-Mean" AU-distance for NIBIRU is .. 57.29577951 AUs. And Zecharia Sitchin's interpretation of ancient texts-tablets indicates an "Ideal-Mean" orbit-period for NIBIRU of 3600 Earth-years. If you take the_ratio_of these 2 figures .. (3600 / 57.29577951) = 62.83185308 .. = 20Pi, exactly. Notice, now, what happens when I take the_ratio_of the_2232.451921_Grid Point Value I just found for the Y2K Ecliptic sky-location for CHIRON .. and the_20Pi_figure .. (2232.451921 / 62.83185307) = 35.53057584 .. which is the Y2K Ecliptic Grid Point Value for .. GALACTIC CENTER. I will now "shoot for The Moon", here. I've found LUNA's Y2K Ecliptic Grid LONG to be .. 157079.6327 E.ALNITAK .. = 132(deg) * 36(min) * 33.005547826(sec) E.ALNITAK. {Look it up on the "GridPoint" BBS Website}. I'm now going to take the_ratio_of The Moon's Y2K Ecliptic Grid LONG and CHIRON's Y2K Ecliptic Grid LONG .. (250000 / 157079.6327) = (18Pi / 35.53057584) .. which is_*exactly*_the ratio of .. respectively; "City Square Cydonia Center" and "GALACTIC CENTER" .. in terms of their Grid Point Values. -- Michael Lawrence Morton(c) 2003 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.