Matrix Message 413
ALERT .. Part 2
Michael Lawrence Morton ALERT .. Parts 2 & 4 Sat Jun 7 05:02:34 2003 Subj: ALERT .. Part 2 Date: 5/28/2003 4:23:57 PM Pacific Standard Time From: Milamo To:,,,, Milamo,, Master I M OK .. I'm just going to continue-on, here. I know I covered this briefly in a "GridPoint" posting .. and I did send it out to most of you, I think .. but, anyway .. you are aware (?) of the "axis" of "E-V-I-L/L-I-V-E" .. ?? {{ Damon Elkins just (by the way) emailed me about the idea of "verbal-written-language" having its own 'parallel' to the "numerical-mathematical" in this incredible "matrix" (ASM) }} .. (-; .. [ See Gary Val Tenuta's work, of course !! ]. Anyway .. to continue; I think of the celestial ANTARES-ALDEBARAN "axis" (near our ecliptic, and "about" 180 degrees across from each-other) .. I think of them as an "axis" of L-I-V-E/E-V-I-L .. because of their (near) 180 degrees "opposition" across our ecliptic .. and also because Antares is traditionally associated with "death" .. (then transformation) .. the "Scorpion" into an "Eagle". .. and because Aldebaran is the alpha-star in Taurus the Bull, which is actually associated historically (thanks to Mary Anne Weaver, here) more with *NURTURING* ("life") than with "bull-in-a-china-shop" aggression or stubbornness. Notice the_lettering_of EVIL and LIVE .. a "mirror-image" in terms of the order_and_identity of the letters. This "axis" is one of the_two_"axes" of .. the celestial "Holy Cross" .. with the "axis" of REGULUS-FOMALHAUT being the_other_one. This then comprises the "Riddle of the Sphinx" in our sky .. because; when you multiply all_4_stars together .. the Bull, the Lion, the Eagle("transformed"), and the Humanoid("Mankind") .. (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) .. you get, respectively; (8.888888888 * 19.7392088 * 4.297183463 * 20.83333333) = 15707.96327 .. yes .. incredibly; you get an_exact_multiplied-product of .. the Ecliptic Y2K Grid LAT of .. ALNITAK. Yes .. Alnitak .. the_ecliptic_prime meridian *marker-star* for the Y2K-calibrated ASM, itself. And this is based on data from a certain, particular_computer-program_called "Astrolog 5.40" on the Internet. And what is "15707.96327" .. it is a_decimal-harmonic_of .. the Right-Angle, in terms of Radians-of-arc. The_right-angle_is the angle involved in .. *electro-magnetism*, of course. The right-angle is the angle of "interface" between "magnetic-force" and "electricity". What is the_numerical-value_of The Radian-arc constant .. when working with the_360_system ? It is .. (360 / 2Pi) = 57.29577951 degrees. This is my predicted/proposed "Ideal-Mean" AU-distance for NIBIRU. You divide_2Pi_into the_number_of equal arc-segments on your Circumference- of-Choice. Someone figured out, a long time ago .. that 360 works "really well" as a number of_equal_"arc-segments" on a Circumference .. (-; The_right-angle_is .. (Half Pi) Radians-of-arc. To get the numerical-value of (Half Pi) Radians-of-arc in the_360_system .. you multiply the *numerical-value* of *The Radian-of-arc* in the_360_system by .. (Pi / 2). This means .. (57.29577951 * 1.570796327) = 90 degrees. This is "how" the number "360"_works_in terms of the *Right-Angle*. So; what's 1.570796327 ? It's the_numerical-value_of Half-Pi .. period .. (3.141592654 / 2) = 1.570796327 It_defines_the *right-angle* in terms of .. Radians-of-arc. So; considering the apparent "empirical" fact (self-evident; upon observation from Earth) .. that Alnitak's_ecliptic_latitude is encoded as 15707.96327 S.Ecliptic .. and; that if we "assign" the value_360_as the *ecliptic-prime- meridian*, to Alnitak .. we then_mandate_the Ecliptic Grid Point Value of Alnitak as .. (15707.96327 / 360) = 43.63323131 .. as of Y2K in the ASM. I then found .. LATER .. that my proposed "Ideal Fine Structure Constant" *Reciprocal* .. 137.0778389 .. has a certain "remarkable" relationship to the Y2K Ecliptic Grid Point Value of Alnitak .. (137.0778389 / 43.63323131) = 3.141592654 .. the Pi constant, itself. We're talking "Fine Structure Constant", here .. a possible "ideal-limit" (reciprocal) for it .. encoded with_Alnitak_at "Y2K" as observed from Earth .. *and* also encoded 'directly' with the Pi constant. Fine Structure Constant is supposedly the "Holy Grail" quest of modern physics .. (??). It involves the Hydrogen atom. Hydrogen is one proton and one electron. Bert Schreiber's Quantum Numbers (decimal-harmonics) for Proton and Electron, respectively, are .. 2.25 and 1.234567901 .. and their multiplied-product is .. 2.777777777 (137.0778389 / 2.777777777) = 49.34802202 .. = 3.141592654 * 1.570796327 * 10 Notice those figures .. you have the Pi constant multiplied by Half Pi .. multiplied by our "base number of choice" .. 10. Yes .. I do think B.Schreiber is "right-on" in his Quantum Numbers work. And .. frankly; I think I have discovered the "ideal-limit" for Fine Structure. (1 / 137.0778389) = 0.007295125222 .. = [72 / (3.141592654^2)] / (10^3). There's also a factor_embedded_ in there, that "reveals" the W.Cydonia longitude for "City Square Cydonia Center". (72 / Pi) = 22.91831181(min) W.Cydonia. And_22.91831181_is exactly 2/5ths of the_numerical-value_of The Radian-arc constant in the_360_system. (22.91831181 / 57.29577951) = 0.4 Recall, also, the Antares-Aldebaran "axis" .. when you multiply its Ecliptic Y2K Grid Point Values together .. you get .. (4.297183463 * 8.888888888) = 38.19718633 .. exactly 2/3rds of the numerical-value of The Radian-arc constant in the_360_system. (38.19718633 / 57.29577951) = 0.666666666 And_0.666666666_is the Reciprocal of .. 1.5 .. a decimal-harmonic of .. 15. (15 / 0.4) = 60 .. the numerical (sexagesimal) basis for 'our' numbers of minutes in an hour, seconds in a minute, minutes in a degree .. involving both time and distance measurements, etc. The very_methodology_behind the (deg * min * sec) calculations involving the encoding in the ASM .. is integral to this sexagesimal number, 60. The "15" on a clock-face .. is at_right-angles_to the "top and bottom" of the clock-face. Its "azimuth" (the 15 on the clock-face) is .. Half Pi Radians-of-arc .. or 90 degrees in the_360_system. ---------------------------------------------------------- I half-apologize .. because I know a lot of this is only a "re-hash" for some people, such as Robert Carl. But I just felt the need for some "in-depth" review, here, I guess. That's the way it turned-out for Robert, probably .. as far as "Part 2" is concerned, here. But I think it probably helped others of you. I hope so. I intend to be back with Part 3 fairly soon. -- Michael Lawrence Morton -------------- "ALERT Part 3" is the "CHIRON" Post .. Below .. -------------- Michael Lawrence Morton ALERT .. Part 4 Sat Jun 7 05:06:22 2003 Subj: ALERT .. Part 4 Date: 5/30/2003 7:10:10 AM Pacific Standard Time From: Milamo To:,,,, Master I M, CC: Milamo Regarding the so-called "Harmonic Concordance" of 8/9 November of 2003. I think I've found something major, here. --------------------------------------- Thanks goes to "David" .. his email is .. He sent me an email, via the group .. which contained this URL .. So; .. The "Harmonic Concordance" .. yes. I *highly* recommend that you go to that URL .. to that website. The "Chart" for this celestial 'event' shows a 6-pointed "Star-of-David". The_major_players here are; Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,and Chiron. After calculating my Y2K values (ASM) for CHIRON .. I decided to investigate these "6 players" .. concerning, of course, their Y2K values .. as interacting. What I think I've found .. is more than remarkable, it would appear. Using the Y2K ASM Grid Point Values for these 6 "players" .. in reference to the "Harmonic Concordance" celestial event of 8/9 November of 2003 .. (Sun * Moon * Jupiter * Saturn) / (Mars * Chiron) .. = Solar Apex * (Pi / 3). This is_also_significant in terms of the Bert Schreiber Quantum Numbers .. because it displays (360 / 343.7746771) as a major factor. This directly references B.Schreiber's "Polygon of Time" description in his "Segmatics" theory. Actually, this supports his "Hexagon" as the_particular_polygon .. which he details in his writings. Of course .. the_hexagon_points to the 6 .. the 6-pointed star .. the 6-fold symmetry. Respectively; the above "verbal" equation in numbers .. (648 * 45.59453265 * 4 * 11.84352528) / (210.6326984 * 2232.451921) .. = 2.842446068 * 1.047197551 .. = 2.976602562 (360 / 343.7746771) = (Pi / 3) = 1.047197551 There are also some other powerful indications here, such as .. (6 * 2.976602562) = (779.2727281 / 43.63323131) .. where 779.2727281 is the {R.Carl, M.L.Morton} Grid Point Value for the_center_of "The Dome of the Rock" in Jerusalem .. and where 43.63323131 is the Ecliptic Y2K Grid Point Value for ALNITAK. Then; I call your attention to this major connection .. Recall that I found that the 3 "branches of the American Federal Government" and The Washington Monument .. combine, in terms of the *multiplication* of the exact Grid Point Values of the_centered-locations_of those 4 buildings, to give a precise_product_of a numerical match of the {Munck} Grid Point Value for The Great Pyramid of Giza. Respectively .. (Supreme Court * White House * Capitol Rotunda * Washington Monument) .. = ( 3.655409037 * 7.87873524 * 1.591549431 * 5.411616169) .. = 248.0502134 If I divide 248.0502134 by the 2.976602562 .. (248.0502134 / 2.976602562) = (656.56127 / 7.87873524) .. = 83.33333333 = (50 / 0.6) The .. (656.56127 / 7.87873524) describes the ratio of the Grid Point Values for "Face One" on Mars at Cydonia {Munck} and for The White House {Morton}. The .. (50 / 0.6) describes the ratio of the "Ideal-Mean"_annual_movements of Earth precession and of the main Earth Obliquity-to-the-Ecliptic Cycle; 50 arc-seconds for precession and 0.6 arc-seconds for the main Obliquity cycle. I also remind you of the graphics-work of Daniel Perez, on his website .. where he shows the *one-to-one* scaled_visual-aerial-view_correspondence of "Face One" to The White House .. as well as "D&M Pyramid" to The Pentagon. -- Michael L.M. P.S. .. I also want to mention this .. (Sun * Jupiter * Saturn) = Ecliptic "Circa 2000" Grid LAT for the Solstice Nodes. In other "words" .. (648 * 4 * 11.84352528) = 30698.41753 N/S Ecliptic .. = 23(deg) * 32(min) * 41.70980643(sec) N/S Ecliptic. This supports my recently-revised figures for the Circa 2000 A.D. Solstice Nodes; 5.76 for June Solstice and 3.445141854 for December Solstice. -- Michael L.M.(c) 2003 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.