Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 417

ALERT Parts 9 & 10: More "Avaya" Building Connections/ Major Converging Correlations

Michael Lawrence Morton
Part 9 .. more "Avaya" Building connections ..
Thu Jun 12 10:00:05 2003

Yes .. I apparently have found some more
"Avaya" Building connections.

17.87253281 = 27.58106915 * 0.648

That shows a direct connection among the
(Grid Point Value; Munck, 1993} "D&M Pyramid"
at Cydonia on Mars, the prominent "648" decimal-
harmonic in the ASM, and my_Y2K_Ecliptic Grid Point
Value for Planet URANUS.

Now; (12.31917871 * 17.87253281) ..
= 2.201749257 * 100.

Here, I see Y2K Ecliptic URANUS directly-tied to
my "Avaya" Building (proposed) Grid Point Value ..
*via* the "Flying Serpents Composite" at Cydonia
on MARS .. including the "100" factor of the 
100 S.Ecliptic Y2K Grid LAT_for_MARS.

The "Flying Serpents Composite" {D.Elkins, M.L.Morton;
2001, Internet} is .. the multiplied-product of the
Grid Point Values of "South Flying Serpent" and "West
Flying Serpent" .. then that product_divided-by_the
Grid Point Value for the "Middle Flying Serpent" ..
all at Cydonia on MARS.

Because this "Flying Serpent" (3 of them, apparently,
on the surface of MARS at Cydonia, discovered by Damon
Elkins) .. because this relates to the "Winged-Disk"
motif (and, consequently, to the motif of the "Avaya"
Building as seen from aerial-view) .. I will detail, here,
as I have in much-earlier emails .. the full coordinates
for these 3 "Flying Serpents" at Cydonia.

"South Flying Serpent" ..
40(deg) * 43(min) * 1.784791717(sec) North ..
= 3069.841753 North.
6.5656127(min) E.Cydonia longitude.
Grid Point Value .. (3069.841753 / 6.5656127) ..
= 467.5636371

"West Flying Serpent" (Rider) ..
41(deg) * 03(min) * 10.53658537(sec) North ..
= 1296 North.
47.74648292(min) W.Cydonia longitude.
Grid Point Value .. (1296 / 47.74648292) ..
= 27.14336054

"Middle Flying Serpent" (Rider) ..
40(deg) * 50(min) * 51.0032808(sec) North ..
= 102006.5616 North.
17.69667291(min) W.Cydonia longitude.
Grid Point Value .. (102006.5616 / 17.69667291) ..
= 5764.166073

Notice, right-away .. the "5764.166073" Grid Point Value
for the "Middle Flying Serpent" (Rider).
This is a numerical-match of the Grid Point Value
for_The Chephren Pyramid_at Giza on Earth .. {Munck}.
And; The Chephren Pyramid is the_middle_one of the 3 main
pyramids at Giza.

Additionally; recall .. that "5764.166073" is a figure
to which the famous "PHOENIX UFO" of the evening of the
13th of March, 1997 .. is *referring* .. in terms of the
*timing* of its appearance; because .. on_that_evening,
Phoenix (AZ) time, of the 13th of March, 1997 .. 
it was_"exactly"_5764.15 *DAYS* .. from .. December
Solstice Sunrise of 2012 A.D.

Here, then .. are the Grid Point Values for these 3
"Flying Serpents" at Cydonia .. arranged in a composite
that follows the "Orion Belt-stars" motif .. 
which multiplies the "bookends", and then divides
that result by "what's in the middle" ..
(467.5636371 * 27.14336054) / 5764.166073 ..
= 2.201749259

{{ Of course; ask yourself, quickly .. what are the
odds of "2.201749259" being "random", here, in this
particular situation .. ?? }}.

And, now .. I'm going to throw_another_"Serpent" into
the pot, here. Robert Carl found the Grid Point Value
of the "Head" of "Le Serpent Rouge", in the South of
France (in the vicinity of Rennes-le-Chateau) ..
to be .. 1.676727943 .. and this is on-the-record on
the "GridPoint" BBS Website.

(220.1749257 / 1.676727943) = (65.656127 * 2) ..
where_656.56127_is the Grid Point Value for {Munck, 1993}
"The Face on Mars" .. or; "Face One", as we call it,
only because there_are_more than one 'face' on Mars. 

And; not to be neglected ..
recall the "0.648" figure from early in this email.
The figure_64800_is the_Grid LAT_for the center of
STONEHENGE .. as found (revised, to WGS '84 datum)
by Robert Carl.
AND; the figure_648_is the_Grid LONG_for the "Bethlehem
Site" {M.L.Morton} .. where the Grid Point Value is ..
65.656127 .. yes .. this is on-the-record in my archives
(Internet) back in 1998. This "Bethlehem Site" is_also_one
of the places that Bruce Cathie writes about, in his book,
"The Harmonic Conquest of Space". 

-- Michael Lawrence Morton 


Michael Lawrence Morton
Part 10 .. Major Converging Correlations ..
Thu Jun 12 13:54:22 2003

This will show a major series of correlations ..
and will include the 3 "Flying Serpents" at Cydonia.

This will also include the 3 main pyramids at Giza,
the 3 Orion Belt-stars, and the 3 major structures
at Teotihuacan, Mexico .. and more.

Please see the previous postings on the "GridPoint" 
BBS Website. 

1) Multiply the 3 "Flying Serpents" together ..
= 73154463.32

2) Divide by the (all 3) 3 main Giza pyramids ..
= 0.022619467 = [72 * 3.141592654 * (10^-4)].

3) Notice .. 73154463.32 ..
divided-by (656.56127 * 27.58106915 * 5760 *
31.00627668) = 0.022619467 .. *identical* to the
result in item (2).
This is where; 656.56127 is "Face One" ..
27.58106915 is "D&M Pyramid" ..
5760 is year-2000 A.D. in the ancient Nippurian/Hebrew
Calendar .. and 31.00627668 is "MINTAKA" at Y2K.

4) Multiply by "Giza Pyramids Composite" ..
= 2.201749256 .. which IS the "Flying Serpents Composite"
at Cydonia on Mars.
The "Giza Pyramids Composite" is .. 97.33868822 ..
which is_also_the Inner Sarcen Circle Diameter at
STONEHENGE, in regular feet .. {Munck, 1993}.
The "Giza Pyramids Composite" is ..
(248.0502134 * 2261.946711) / 5764.166073 ..
= 97.33868822 .. exactly equal, numerically, to the
Inner Sarcen Circle Diameter at STONEHENGE {regular feet}.

5) Multiply by "Orion Belt-stars Composite" ..
= 17.52096389 = (6 * 2.920160646) ..
= (19.46773765 / 1.111111111).
[STONEHENGE Grid Point Value (revised; R.Carl, WGS '84)
is .. 2.920160646].

6) Divide by "NIBIRU Perihelion-Point" sky-location
as-observed-from-Earth (which is the intersection
of the ecliptic-longitude of VEGA and the ecliptic-
latitude of ALTAIR) .. 
= 1.676727943 = Grid Point Value of {R.Carl} ..
the "Head" of "Le Serpent Rouge" in South of France,
in the vicinity of Rennes-le-Chateau.

7) Back-up .. to item (5), above. {{17.52096389)).
Divide by "Teotihuacan Composite" (Mexico) ..
= 3.553057584
This is where "Teotihuacan Composite" is ..
4.931235553 = (Quetzalcoatl * Moon) / Sun.

8) Multiply by the_base-number_for base 10 ..
= 35.53057584 = Ecliptic Y2K GALACTIC CENTER.

-- Michael Lawrence Morton 
(c) 2003 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.
