Those 2 figures are each given out to 13 or 14 decimal places .. so I missed the boat, there, by using the 'rounded-off' figures .. rounded to the nearest 10th of a minute. I should have used the raw numbers of degrees ... and simply *converted them* to ... deg, min, and sec. That would have given me a *more-accurate* number of arc-seconds !!! I was wrong in saying that the nearest 10th of a minute could validly "project" to the nearest arc-second. This new methodology will increase the accuracy by a full arc-second, or more.
Please refer to this new database now available ...
"The International Crop Circle Database".
[ A NOTE to crop-formation researchers : I hope you'll mark the *center* of the given formation on a British Ordnance Survey Map (for UK sites) ... of scale 1 : 25000 or larger. If you're using a GPS unit, understand that magnetic anomalies in *some* formations can (and will) throw the GPS reading way-off. So I recommend doing both ... GPS and maps (or maps alone, of course). And if the GPS "fails" mysteriously ... you'll have a back-up with the maps].
In recent emails with Paul Vigay, creator of the above database, I have gotten clarification as to his data-gathering and data-displays. So .. I now know that I should have (as I said) used his "degrees figures" .. the 'long figures' .. which you see on the data page. Those can be converted to deg, min, and seconds by multiplying the decimal fractions by "60" ... and so this provides a clearly more-accurate Grid LAT and Grid LONG.
I will now "take you through" a re-calculation of the "Pinwheel" formation numbers (near Barbury Castle in Wiltshire, UK) of April 19, 1997. You should go to the above website, and you should end-up on a page showing the number "SU157777". You'll see the latitude/longitude data, there ... and we'll be using the long numbers in degrees.
LATITUDE ... 0.497081187 X 60 = 29.82487 minutes.
0.82487 X 60 = 49.5 (approx.) seconds. So .. as you see, we have a difference of about 1.5 arc-seconds, here, compared to our previous calculation using the "rounded-off" data. This is significant, in this study.
Approximate Grid LAT ... 51 (deg) X 29 (min) X 49.5 (sec) = 73210.5 North.
LONGITUDE ... 0.773866612 X 60 = 46.431997 minutes.
0.431997 X 60 = 25.9 (approx.) seconds. Here, you can see that we have a difference of almost 2 full arc-seconds, compared to our previous calculation using the "rounded-off" data. This is very significant.
Remember, now, to add (in this case) the longitude-variance between Giza and Greenwich, onto the W.Greenwich figures.
That longitude-variance is ... 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec. Approximate Grid LONG .. 32 (deg) X 54 (min) X 26.7 (sec) W.Giza ... = 46137.6 W.Giza.
Approximate Grid POINT Value .. "Pinwheel" crop formation of April 19, 1997 ...
73210.5 / 46137.6 = "1.59" ... as compared to our previous calculation of "1.657863991" ... using the "rounded-off" data. Yes ... this is a very significant difference.
I recognize "1.59" as being very close to ... "1.591549431", or (5 / Pi). And I know that (5 / Pi) is a major figure in the 'matrix'.
Very recently, during my calculations involving 'matrix' numbers for several structures at Cydonia on Mars, I ended-up with "18Pi" as the Grid POINT Value of "The City Square", and with "1296" as the Grid LAT for "The City Square". I did this work on "The City Square", "The Tholus", and "The Fortress" .. about 2 weeks ago, as I write this. You can see the numbers on my websites. Now ... notice what I have found, regarding the April 19th, 1997 "Pinwheel" crop formation's Grid LAT :
73287.07342 North ...
= 51 (deg) X 29 (min) X 49.55177378 (sec) North. 73287.07342 = (18 X 3.141592654) X (1296).
We have the precise multiplied product of "18Pi" and "1296" ... the Grid POINT Value and the Grid LAT of "The City Square" at Cydonia.
What about the "Pinwheel" crop formation's longitude ?
Grid LONG ... 46047.62629 W.Giza ... = 32 (deg) X 54 (min) X 26.64793188 (sec) W.Giza. 46047.62629 = (259.2) X (177.6528792).
We have "259.2" ... the Grid POINT Value I found for "The Tholus" at Cydonia, multiplied by a decimal harmonic of the Grid LAT (South) that I found for ... "Island City" on Mars (see Steve Wingate's web page on "Island City"). Here's the Grid LAT that I found (again; very recently) for "Island City" on Mars ... 18 (deg) X (41 (min) X 24.07220585 (sec) South ... = 17765.28792 South.
That decimal harmonic figure ... "1776528792" ... is encoded with "3 numbers in one", as I've discussed before. There's "1776" ... the year of the American "Declaration of Independence", and also a gematria-related figure. Then there's "528" ... a decimal harmonic of the number of Feet in the statute mile (5280). Then there's "792", a decimal harmonic of the average (mean) number of statute miles of the Earth diameter (7920).
Of course, not only is "259.2" a numerical match of the Grid POINT Value that I found for "The Tholus" at Cydonia ... it is a decimal harmonic of the Earth precession cycle in years ... "Earth years", of course. And encoded on Mars.
The Grid POINT Value of the "Pinwheel" crop formation of April 19, 1997 ... "1.591549431" .... (5 / Pi) ... is exactly HALF the Grid POINT Value that I found for the star VEGA ... in what I refer-to as the "Sky-matrix".
The Grid POINT Value I found for VEGA is ... "3.183098862" ... (10 / Pi).
VEGA serves as a North Pole star for us 'Earthlings' ... at a certain relative point during Earth's precession cycle. If we look at the diagram (back to the database) of the "Pinwheel" formation ... we can see a "spinning vortex" depiction.
Imagine yourself somehow, in space, directly "above" the North Pole of Earth, about 75,000 miles away. You are looking "down" ... directly in-line-with Earth's axis of rotation. Now imagine a "fast-forward" of time ... you see the rotation of the Earth around the pole. The *center* of the "pinwheel" you are observing, is the pole of rotation. In a way, you are observing a spinning "hemisphere" ... you can view HALF of the Earth-sphere .. "spinning" .. in the "time-lapse-photography".
Could the Grid POINT Value of the "Pinwheel" crop formation of April 19, 1997 have a numerical "resonance" (intentional) to any math formulae involving a 'generic hemisphere' ? Let's see. We know The Radian (deg) is a big part of this ancient 'matrix'. { 2Pi X 57.29577951 (deg) = 360 (deg) }. I've gone over that many times. I've written that "20.62648063" regular inches is the true length of The Royal Cubit, based on The Radian (deg), in the formula for AREA on the Surface of a HEMISPHERE :
2Pi X (57.29577951 X 57.29577951) = "20626.48063" Square Arc-degrees.
Testing "1.591549431" against "Area on a Hemisphere Surface" ... 20626.48063 / 1.591549431 = 12960.
That's HALF an Earth precession cycle in years ... HALF of "25920". It's ALSO a decimal harmonic of the Grid LAT of *BOTH* "The Tholus" and "The City Square" at Cydonia ("1296 North").
Our current North Pole star is POLARIS. The Grid POINT Value I found for POLARIS is ... "21.6" ... a decimal harmonic of the POLAR circumference of Earth in nautical miles (21,600). 21.6 X "1.591549431" = 34.37746771 ... which is a numerical *match* of the length of The King's Chamber (inside The Great Pyramid of Giza), that I have proposed on The Internet, in terms of *regular* Feet. In *regular * inches, this is ... 12 X 34.37746771 ... = "412.5296125" .... a decimal harmonic of the generic "Area on the Surface of a Sphere", in Square arc-degrees ... "41252.96125".
ALSO ... "34.37746771" is a decimal harmonic of the actual Earth Polar Radius in nautical miles ... "3437.746771" = (21,600 / 2Pi).
Many readers of my material know that I've written a lot about the numbers involved at Stonehenge. Of course ... "21,600" North, is the Grid LAT of Stonehenge (Munck, 1992). Notice how the Grid POINT Value of the "Pinwheel" relates to Stonehenge's Grid POINT Value (Munck, 1992) : 1.591549431 X 2.433267206 = "3.872983346" ... which is the Square of "15". YES .. it is also the Grid POINT Value that I found for "The Miami Circle".
And The Radian (deg) certainly resonates well with the "Pinwheel" ... 1.591549431 X 36 = 57.29577951 ... The Radian (deg). The number "36" is indicative of the Phi constant .. The Golden Section. The COSINE of 36 = HALF of Phi ... precisely. COS 36 = 0.809016994 = HALF of ... 1.618033989. The number "36" .. when 'Squared' .. is .. "1296" ... Grid LAT of both "The City Square" and "The Tholus" at Cydonia.
And ... I can't leave out the Grid POINT Value I found for the center of the U.S. Capitol Building ... the very center (pole) of The U.S. Capitol Dome ... "1.591549431" .. yes .. a numerical MATCH of the "Pinwheel" Grid POINT Value. { See my article on that, at }. You'll find it in the 'archives' section.
Isn't a "tholus" kind of *dome-like* .. (?) .. a sort of "spiral-like hemisphere" ?!!
What *are* the odds ... that this "Pinwheel" crop formation from April 19th, 1997, would "display" a set of numbers which PRECISELY describes :
1) the Grid LAT of both "The City Square" and "The Tholus" at Cydonia ...
2) the Grid POINT Values of both "The City Square" and "The Tholus" at Cydonia ..
3) the Grid LAT of "Island City" at another region on Mars ..
4) the Grid POINT Value of 'The U.S. Capitol Dome' center ...
5) The Radian (deg) divided-by "36" ... the key Phi-oriented number ..
6) the Grid POINT Value of Stonehenge, when divided-into the Grid POINT Value of "The Miami Circle" .. 3.872983346 / 1.591549431 = 2.433467206 ... AND ...
7) the Grid POINT Value (Munck, 1992) of 'The Face' at Cydonia, when multiplied-by the length of The King's Chamber (inside The Great Pyramid of Giza) in *regular* inches ... 412.5296125 X 1.591549431 = 656.56127 .. AND ...
8) the length of The King's Chamber in *regular* inches, when multiplied-by the Grid POINT Value of "The Tholus" at Cydonia ... 1.591549431 X 259.2 = 412.5296125 ...
-- Michael Lawrence Morton March 22, 2000