2.465617776 X 2.548320899 = 2Pi ... exactly.
Crop Glyph Silbury Hill
2.465617776 X 2.548320899 X 2.433467206 = 15.28992539
Note : "15.28992539" = 480.3471728 / 10Pi. "480.3471728" is the original height of The Great Pyramid of Giza, in regular British Feet, including the capstone (Munck, 1992).
2.465617776 X 2.548320899 X 2.433467206 X 1.013211836 = 15.49193338
Miami Square
Note : "15.49193338" is the Azimuth-of-orientation, in arc-degrees, of "The Avenue of The Dead", at Teotihuacan, Mexico (Munck, 1992). It is also (15.49193338) the Square Root of "240".
15.49193338 X 3.872983346 = 60.
Miami Circle
Of course, "60" is the basis of our current time/arc-distance measuring system.
15.49193338 X 3.872983346 X 1.622311471 = 97.33868822
Note: "97.33868822" is the diameter of the Sarsen Circle of Stonehenge, in regular British Feet (Munck, 1992).
So ... we can see, here, that this very recent crop formation is resonating very precisely, mathematically, with SEVERAL important sites/structures .. that is, with the *Grid POINT Values* of several important sites/structures. I DO NOT think it is "random coincidence" that 3 of these sites are ... The Miami Circle, "Miami Square", and "The Well of OSIRIS".
{ See http://www.farshore.force9.co.uk/msqwel_1.htm }.
-- Michael Lawrence Morton