Messages from Michael L. Morton

More Crop Circle Matrices....

"East Kennet"; Wiltshire, UK Crop Formation Reported 02 July, 2000 As always, thanks to "The International Crop Circle Database" .. please go to ...

You'll see there, a clickable photo of the "weave-pattern". If you will click on the OS Grid Ref number of SU 111676 ... you'll be at the latitude/longitude page. I work with the long decimal fractional figures, given in arc-degrees. I have no input, and no control, over these figures reported from the field.

Here are my 'matrix' figures for this crop formation :

Grid LAT 51 (deg) X 24 (min) X 22.91978613 (sec) North ... = 28053.81822 North ...

Grid LONG 32 (deg) X 58 (min) X 26.38100731 (sec) W.Giza ... = 48963.14956 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 01 deg 50 min 25.58100731 sec ].

Grid POINT Value 48963.14956 / 28053.81822 = 1.745329252

Note : "28053.81822" is a decimal harmonic of the multiplied product of ... (Pi X 89298.07684) = "280538.1822" ... where "89298.07684" North ...

= 29 (deg) X 58 (min) X 53.09041429 (sec) North ... the Grid LAT (Munck, 1992) of The Great Pyramid of Giza.

Note : Notice what happens when I divide "48963.14956" into the Grid LAT of The Great Pyramid ...

89298.07684 / 48963.14956 = 1.823781306 ... a decimal harmonic of [Radian (deg)] / 3.141592654

"Honey Street"; Wiltshire, UK Crop Formation Reported 09 July, 2000 As always, thanks to "The International Crop Circle Database" ... please go to ...

There, you'll see a 'clickable' photo of this formation.

Please then 'click' on the OS Grid Ref number of SU 098617 .. and you'll be at the latitude /longitude page. I work with the long decimal fractional figures, given in arc-degrees. I have no input, and no control, over the figures reported from the field.

Here are my 'matrix' numbers for this crop formation :

Grid LAT 51 (deg) X 21 (min) X 11.9860616 (sec) North ... = 12837.07197 North.

Grid LONG 32 (deg) X 59 (min) X 34.23894644 (sec) W.Giza ... = 64643.13088 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 01 deg 51 min 33.43894644 sec ].

Grid POINT Value 64643.13088 / 12837.07197 = 5.035660081

Note : Recall the Grid POINT Value of the Orion belt-star ALNITAK .. the prime meridian marker-star for our ecliptic (Morton, 1999) ... 43.63323131 ... see

43.63323131 / 5.035660081 = 3.141592654 X 2.758106915

Notice that "2.758106915" is a decimal harmonic of the Grid POINT Value (Munck, 1992) of 'The D&M Pyramid' at Cydonia on Mars.

So; again, we have a direct reference to one of the main structures at Cydonia, by another of this season's (year 2000) crop formations. Simultaneously, we have a direct reference to the prime meridian marker-star in the "Sky Matrix" ... via the *precise* Pi constant.

"Opposite Silbury Hill"; Wiltshire, UK Crop Formation Reported 06 July, 2000 As always, thanks to "The International Cropcircle Database" ... please go to ...

There, you'll see a 'clickable' photo of this formation of 3 circles ... a large one in the center, with 2 smaller ones at 180 degrees apart, on either side of the larger one. I understand that these 3 circles are apparently exactly placed on the *ley line* known as "The Mary Line".

In Laurence Gardner's book, "Bloodline of The Holy Grail", he states that Mary Magdalene's death happened in 63 A.D. Just using the obvious number displayed by this crop formation .. "3" .. I notice that if I multiply .. 3 X 63 = 189. This number (189) has been found to be significant in its interactions with "gematrian" and "gematria-like" numbers. I'll refer back to these numbers a bit later in this article.

On the database page, please 'click' on the OS Grid Ref number .. SU 099684 .... and you'll then be on the latitude/longitude page. I work with the long decimal fractional figures, given in arc-degrees. I have no input, and no control, over these readings reported from the field.

Here are my 'matrix' numbers for this crop formation :

Grid LAT 51 (deg) X 24 (min) X 48.86119195 (sec) North ... = 59806.09895 North.

Grid LONG 32 (deg) X 59 (min) X 28.37862612 (sec) W.Giza ... = 53578.84612 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 01 deg 51 min 27.57862612 sec ].

Grid POINT Value 59806.09895 / 53578.84612 = 1.11622596

Now I'll divide that Grid POINT Value by "3" ... again, the obvious number displayed by the formation ... 1.11622596 / 3 = 0.3720753202 ... which is a 'decimal harmonic' of the "Grid Base Slope Angle" (Munck, 1992) of the Base Slope Angle of The Great Pyramid of Giza.

That angle is ... 51 deg 51 min 14.30508728 sec .... 51 (deg) X 51 (min) X 14.30508728 (sec) = 37207.53202

In terms of arc-degrees only ... it is ... 51.853974 deg ... TAN 51.853974 = (4 / 3.141592654) = 1.273239545

Back to "The Mary (ley) Line"

When I divide the Grid LONG of this crop formation by the Grid POINT Value (Munck, 1992) of The Great Pyramid of Giza ... 53578.84612 / 248.0502134 = 216. A major gematrian number.

Now if I use alphanumerics applied to a simple phrase ... a simple phrase involved in 'what I see as an observer', combined with knowlege (ancient) that these 3 circles are on "The Mary Line" ...


(3 + 29 + 33 + 57 + 40) = 162.

This a major number associated with gematria. It is also the "speed-of-light" decimal harmonic discussed by researcher Bruce Cathie ("The Harmonic Conquest of Space"). The speed of light "as we have defined what we call LIGHT" ... *not including* the apparent "new energy form" that has been recently measured as "an increase in the speed of light" ... is ... 162,000 nautical miles per second.

We must be very careful, here, with semantics. The so-called "increase in the speed of light" is a careless phrase ... because they actually were measuring a phenomenon that is *different* from LIGHT as we know it.

Recall the "West Kennet Longbarrow" crop formation of "01 June, 2000" ... and its Grid POINT Value of .. 2.465617776 ... and recall I have an article on that formation in this database itself.

Notice the horizontal digit-order ... "1 ... 6 ... 2 ... 000". (I refer to that in the article, also).

Multiplying... 2.465617776 X 1.11622596 = (3.141592654 X 0.876048194).

What is "0.876048194" ? It is a decimal harmonic of the "Tetrahedral Grid LAT" (Morton, 1999) ... 8760.48194 ... = 19 (deg) X 28 (min) X 16.46707131 (sec) north/south of planetary equators ... as per the (Hoagland) "Tetrahedral Latitude" of ... 19.47122061 (deg).

I'm told "The Mary Line" runs through Silbury Hill. Munck's (1992) Grid POINT Value for Silbury Hill is ... 2.548320898

How many points are needed to form a line ... as in a straight line ? The answer is "2" .... (2 X 1.11622596) / 2.548320898 = 0.876048194 ... again !!

Recall the obvious number indicated by this crop formation ... "3". (3 X 2) = 6. Multiplying ..... 6 X 8760.48194 = 52562.89164 ... and what is that ? It is the Grid LONG (Munck, 1992) of Stonehenge ... = 32 (deg) X 57 (min) X 28.8173748 (sec) W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 01 deg 49 min 28.0173748 sec ].

And recall this .... 2.465617776 X 2.548320898 = 6.283185305 ... which is precisely 2Pi ... the Grid POINT Value of the church at Rennes-le-Chateau (Morton, 1998) in the South of France. { }.

"D&M Pyramid II Analogue"

Persuant to work done by Bruce Cornet in researching "Cydonia Analogues" in the Wallkill River area of New York State, USA ... in Spring of 1998, I studied the USGS topographical maps pertaining to several of the "Cydonia Analogues" discussed in considerable detail by Dr. Cornet on a website of his.

(Since then, Dr. Cornet chose to issue a "retraction" regarding these "Cydonia Analogues"). I suspect his 'retraction' on this subject was entirely motivated by intense pressure from peers in "academia" and by other "power-elites". I do not 'judge' him in the least. Who knows what kinds of threats may have been made ?

I found, in Spring of 1998, a Grid LAT for the "D&M Pyramid II" analogue of 'The D&M Pyramid' at Cydonia on Mars ... of ... 11162.2596 North ... = 41 (deg) X 16 (min) X 17.01563963 (sec) North.

Of course .. this is a decimal harmonic of ... 1.11622596 ... Grid POINT Value for this crop formation.

I should give you the other 'matrix' numbers I found for this site in the lower Hudson Valley of New York State, USA ... Grid LONG 105 (deg) X 26 (min) X 39.2519019 (sec) W.Giza ... = 107157.6922 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 74 deg 18 min 38.4519019 sec ]. Grid POINT Value ... 107157.6922 / 11162.2596 = 9.6

NOTE : The figure "107157.6922" .. W.Giza Grid LONG of "D&M Pyramid II" analogue ... is *precisely* DOUBLE the Grid LONG of this crop formation ... "53578.84612" W.Giza.

Keep in mind that the remains of the "Cydonia Analogues" in the Wallkill River area are heavily eroded, and so they are not readily apparent upon ground observation. I think aerial photos are needed.

One other thing I noticed ...


(33 + 57 + 40) = 130 .. which is the approximate Height, in Feet, of Silbury Hill.


(33 + 97) = 130. Here; think of the Enki-instigated bloodlines, that Laurence Gardner writes about ... the bloodlines of The Grail.

Of course ... 130 + 130 = 260 ... the number of Days in the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar.

SEE THE CROP FORMATIONS SPEAK WITH THE MOUNDS, STONE CIRCLES, AND WITH THE GREAT PYRAMID Very recently, it was Sharon Pacione who pointed-out that literally 'overnight', the single triangle in the middle of the crop formation now known as "West Kennet Longbarrow, near Silbury Hill" (the glyph having been reportedly created on 01 June, 2000) ... was "repaired and transformed" by its creators (apparently ... who else ?) ... into 9 triangles ... 3 of standing crop and 6 of 'downed' crop. In looking at the photo on The Internet, I "saw" the 3 standing triangles .. but, at first, I "missed" the 6 'downed' triangles.

There were 12 'downed' triangles around the circumference of the formation. This means there were two numbers being displayed ... 9 and 12. I found a Grid POINT Value for this formation of ... "2.465617776" ... and I show the derivation of that figure, in detail, in "The International Crop Circle Database" .. thanks to Paul Vigay.

Notice what happens when I multiply the two numbers displayed in this crop formation's design ... by its Grid POINT Value : (9 X 12 X 2.465617776) = 266.2867198 .. (?) ..

We know this glyph was created very near to Silbury Hill. Munck (1993) found the Grid LONG of Silbury Hill to be ... 32 (deg) X 59 (min) X 14.10416948 (sec) W.Giza ... = 26628.67198 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 01 deg 51 min 13.30416948 sec ].

Yes .. that's a precise decimal harmonic of the multiplied product, above ! (Simply move the decimal point 2 places). The odds that this is "random coincidence" must be "astronomical". I hope someone will calculate this. But; there are *other* precise 'connections' that I would think must be "figured-in", to follow here !

Recall the crop formation that I'll call "3 on The Mary Line" ... reported 06 July, 2000. My Grid POINT Value for that ... "1.11622596" .. and I have an article on that derivation, also, at "The International Crop Circle Database".

Notice what we get when I divide that figure into the Grid POINT Value of the "West Kennet Longbarrow" formation created on 01 June, 2000 ... 2.465617776 / 1.11622596 = (2.548320898 / 1.08).

What is "2.548320898" ? It is the Grid POINT Value (Munck, 1993) of ... SILBURY HILL, itself !! And what about the "1.08" ? That is a decimal harmonic of ... (9 X 12) = 108. Recall that (9 X 12) is from the numbers of triangles displayed 'in the design' of the "West Kennet Longbarrow" glyph.

But; what if I *add* the "9" and the "12" .. instead of multiplying them ? (9 + 12) = 21. Here's a chance for me to cite Laurence Gardner's work, from his book, "Bloodline of The Holy Grail". He states in that work, that Mary Magdalene died in the year of 63 A.D.

How many circles on "The Mary Line" in the formation ? Yes ... "3". Now divide that "3" into the "63" ... 63 / 3 = 21 ... total triangles shown in the design of the "West Kennet Longbarrow" glyph.

Any guesses at what the "odds" must be, now, against 'random coincidence' ?

Earth Metrology and Geometry

The Polar radius of Earth, in nautical miles, is ... 3437.746771 ... (21,600 / 2Pi) = 3437.746771 nautical miles. We can't have any "debate" on that figure ... because I'm using the "defined" Polar circumference of Earth, along with precisely 2Pi.

I'm going to multiply that figure by the Grid POINT Value of SILBURY HILL ... (3437.746771 X 2.548320898) = 8760.48194 ... What is "8760.48194"? It is ... the Tetrahedral Grid LAT (Morton, 1999) .. translated directly from the Tetrahedral (Hoagland) Latitude on planetary bodies, north/south of the equator. This is Richard C. Hoagland's "19.47122061" arc-degrees ... converted to 'matrix' mode ... = 19 (deg) X 28 (min) X 16.46707131 (sec) north/south ... = 8760.48194 north/south.

In 1993, Carl Munck self-published the Base Slope Angle of SILBURY HILL ... 30 arc-degrees. Now; I will use the figure (Pi Squared) .. "9.869604401" .. and multiply it by "30" ... 296.0881321 ... then I'll multiply it by the Grid POINT Value of SILBURY HILL ... 2.548320898 X 296.0881321 ... = 754.5275746 ... but what is THAT ?

That is ... the original Base side-length of The Great Pyramid of Giza, in regular British Feet, which Munck found and self-published in 1992.

It that is the original base side-length of The Great Pyramid, then l will test the projected original Height (in regular British Feet), by assuming a base perimeter of (4 X 754.5275746) ... and divide that by *exactly* 2Pi ... (3018.110298 / 6.283185307) = 480.3471728 ... which is Munck's figure for the original Height. Can we test *this* against maybe some ancient ... say ... 'stone circle' ... in England ? Now ... is that a "leading question", or what ? How about Stonehenge ?!

If I divide "480.3471728" by precisely (Pi Squared) ... (480.3471728 / 9.869604401) = 48.66934411 ... but what is THAT ? That is ... the exact, intended radius of The Sarsen Circle of Stonehenge, in regular British Feet (Munck, 1992).

What if I divide "48.66934411" by the Grid POINT Value of SILBURY HILL ? (48.66934411 / 2.548320898) = 19.09859317 ... but what is THAT ?

Suppose I just ... say ... multiply it by ... oh-h-h-h ... "3" ... the number of circles on "The Mary Line" crop formation ? (19.09859317 X 3) = 57.29577951 ... but what is THAT ?

It's The Radian (deg) ... based on "360" arc-degrees on one circumference, and ... using a *relatively-precise* value for the Pi constant ... (360 / 2Pi) = 57.29577951 arc-degrees.

In closing, notice the reciprocal of "3" .... 0.333333333 ... and .. so .. what is THAT ?

It is ... the Sine of ... 19.47122061 ... and with THAT ... this article is now finished. I hope someone calculates the total odds of THIS being "random coincidence".

-- Michael Lawrence Morton