Now I do think I have the 'Bonne Mare' (France) location (precise). It should be ... Grid LAT 49 (deg) X 20 (min) X 18.73589907 (sec) North .. = 18361.18109 North .. = 60 X (Pi to the 5th power). Grid LONG 29 (deg) X 45 (min) X 24.88099387 W.Giza .. = 32469.697 W.Giza .. = (248.0502134 / 240) X (10 to the 4th power) X Pi. [ E.Greenwich 01 deg 23 min 35.91900613 sec ]. Grid POINT Value 32469.697 / 18361.18109 = 1.768388256 Taking the ratio of this Grid POINT Value for Bonne Mare .. and Grid POINT Value of Chartres Cathedral ... 1.768388256 / 1.273239545 = 1.388888889 Then, taking that figure times the Grid POINT Value of the Church (Morton, 1998) at Rennes-le-Chateau ... 1.388888889 X 2Pi = 27.41556778 / Pi. NOTE : this implies that the exact fractional number of arc-seconds that I found (in my 'Second Revision' of the matrix numbers at the Newark, Ohio, USA Earthworks) in the centered latitude of the 'Observatory Circle' .. (27.41556778) .. is correct. If I take the ratio of "1.388888889" and the Grid POINT Value of the Church at Rennes-le-Chateau .. 6.283185307 / 1.388888889 = 4.523893421 .. I get the exact figure for 1.44Pi .. (1.44 X 3.141592654). The Grid LAT (Munck, 1992) for 'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars .. is exactly .. (1440 X Pi) .. 4523.893421 North .. = 41 (deg) X 11 (min) X 10.03080581 (sec) North. The circa 2000 A.D. sky-position Grid POINT Value (Morton, 2000) for the star MERAK, in Ursa Major .. I have found to be .. 1/5th Radian (deg) .. 11.4591559 This star-position corresponds, in the Greg Rigby model ... to the Bonne Mare 'ground location' in France. Notice the numerical ratio .. 11.4591559 / 1.768388256 = 6.48 The "6.48" is a decimal harmonic of the (Morton, 1998) Grid LONG of the Bethlehem site that corresponds to the Bruce Cathie ("The Harmonic Conquest of Space", page 109) longitude figure for that Bethlehem location. This spot could be historically significant in terms of the birthplace of Jesus Christ. { 648 E.Giza = 04 (deg) X 03 (min) X 54 (sec) E.Giza }. This is equivalent to .. E.Greenwich 35 deg 11 min 54.8 sec. [ See .. ]. Notice, also, that if you go to the URL just above this sentence, you will see that the (Morton, 1998) Grid POINT Value for the Bethlehem (primary) location .. is a decimal harmonic of the (Munck, 1992) Grid POINT Value for 'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars. 656.56127 / 11.4591559 = 57.29577951 (deg) ... The Radian (deg). Keep in mind that the Bonne Mare location (Greg Rigby model) is a place where many, many lines 'converge' ... lines drawn by Rigby through many cathedrals, abbeys, and basilicas in France. { "On Earth As It Is In Heaven", by Greg Rigby .. ISBN # 1 900706 00 8 }. This adds support for Rigby's association of the Ursa Major star MERAK with the 'ground position' at Bonne Mare. I have now, to the best of my ability at present, figured-out the 'matrix' numbers (Grid LATs, Grid LONGs, and Grid POINT Values) for 3 key 'ground locations' and for 3 corresponding circa 2000 A.D. 'star-positions' .. in support of the Greg Rigby model. In turn, this also supports my theory of a "Unified Field Matrix" as becoming increasingly 'self-evident' to various human observations. Ground location : Church at Rennes-le-Chateau ... 2Pi Sky-position : circa 2000 A.D. 'POLARIS' .. 21.6 Ground location : Chartres Cathedral ... 1.273239545 Sky-position : circa 2000 A.D. 'DUBHE' .. 1.396263402 Ground location : Bonne Mare ... 1.768388256 Sky-position : circa 2000 A.D. 'MERAK' .. 11.4591559 NOTE : A 'straight line' (Rigby) can be drawn through all 3 of the above 'ground locations' ... a span of over 444 statute miles. I think this arc-distance might be 'intended' as .. 444.1321981 statute miles. This would numerically equal exactly .. [45 X (Pi Squared)]. -- Michael Lawrence Morton (c) 2000-- Michael Lawrence Morton